Bitcoin, Crptocurrency, Steem etc What next?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Walking in to strange room filled with strangers you don't know, then trying to understand what they are saying in a language you have never heard before, That room is called STEEMIT

This is how I felt when joining Steemit, the language is Steem, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency etc words I had never heard before, words I found hard to understand. I am still getting used to GBD and USD anything else baffles me.

I have gone 52 years without hearing anything about this, How? I watch the news, I am on social media, has the Bitcoin etc flown straight over my head, has it been kept a secret from me, well if it has its been well kept.

Is this the new world, shouldn't everyone know about these. If it wasn't for a friend on social media who passed this site onto me I still wouldn't have a clue. How does it come so easily to some people then too hard for others. What's next?

How do you explain this all to a person who has never heard of it, how do you make them understand when there used to dealing in pounds and pence or dollars and cents etc. How can you teach someone with instructions that are clear so they understand when the whole process its self baffles you. I talk to my hubby about this site, another who hasn't heard of this and he looks and sounds as baffled as me, even my daughters haven't a clue what I am on about.

I talk to members on here who talk about these as if its been around forever, they know everything there is to know, its easy for them but so hard for me. Is this what's going to take over the world, are we going to be dealing with this a lot more in the future. Is this going to be the norm or is there something else on the horizon.

Thanks Pixabay

There is bound to be more people like me, surely there is something or someone out there who knows how to make others understand.


Made by @creatr

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Join the club @karenb54. What are we to do but to educate ourselves on our own when seeing a 10 year old with better comprehension on cryptos??

I am glad I am part of a club and others feel the same :)

Yeah. Got no clue with all these before. Digital currency is much easier.

Shared in facebook..loads in there dont have a clue either. Thanks for this post ;)

Haha very good ! In the welcome page or in the menu on its own , I think there should be a video that explains it all in easy to understand format ! Each item , step by step ! That would be a big help ! Great post steem on !♨😉👍♨

Step by step would be perfect :)

Hi, Karen!

Nice job! I think you've really done a good job of capturing how "normal people" feel when they come upon the "brave new world" of the blockchain. I hope a lot of folk will read it, and that some in the blockchain world will have compassion on "the average man" and work at better explaining and making better tools for "average joe" to participate.

Great post, Thanks! 😄😇😄


I hope so, the more that understand the better :)

Interesting post dear friend @ karenb54 thanks for sharing
Great Year !!!

Im new to all this stuff too. I've heard of and have a basic understanding, sorta not really, how BTC works. Fun adventure though.

Its difficult to get my old head around lol

I think these things will eventually take over the world. It will not be a straight forward journey but it will happen.

Am I ready for that... One answer NO lol

RS & UpVoted!

Thank you :)

It's the same when the internet came along. You don't need to know every detail, just the basics. Check out for info on the first crypto currency that paved the way. You are already ahead of the curve

Thank You I appreciate that I'll check it out :)

@heiditravels just put up a video to attract people to steemit ! 😊

Ill have a look thanks :)

@heiditravels did a great job.
Btw: someone needs to make these "@" tags work .

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