Instruction Guide For New Users to Grow on Steemit | Don't begs votes

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Instruction Guide For New Users to Grow on Steemit. Don't begs votes.

Today I am going to share my story related Steemit. This will also help you to grow and motivate you to work with this community.

My Small Journey

I started this community 15 Days ago. I even don't know a single person in this community but still I join it. I want to know how this community works. I am curious that this community help you by paying your hard work though SBD. Before this community i work with Quora and regular follower of Quora to help other People whom answer I know but free of Cost.


As I am helping for free then why not help other and earn something so I decided to writing article on Steemit which contain useful information and helps to every kind of users.

I sign-up for steamit and my account validated by steemit in 4 Days. I am happy that they accept my account. Then I write first article with a query related my investment in Cyptocurrency. Two to three people answered to my question. I am happy that this is works like Quora.

My 2nd post: I upload the pic of monkey who snatches my water bottle. I get zero upvote on both articles. I am curious that how can i get upvote so to know I eager to learn more. Then I research and find that it is necessary to write quality post so that people recognize us and upvote and comment on our post.

Now this time I write an article which takes my 4 hour to complete. I am so happy that after writing good post I get upvotes and people appreciate me. I upload it and then start checking my post again and again to see upvote and comment, after 2 hour and find that I did not even get a single vote and comment. I feel very sad that I give my 100% and it’s not working like i envisaged.

I again start research that what is my weakness that i am getting noting but other get $600 revenue and 100s of comment on single post. Then I find that Steem Power is something which helps to vote and with which this medium works. I learn more terms related steemit

Bellow I am writing little point which you should must follow if you want to grow in this community.


1. Make friend (Start-up)

You have to make lot of friend on steemit this is the key to start-up in this community. You can’t grow in this community until you start making friends. This is also good for long purpose Goal.

Image Credit: Google

You have to make two types of friends

1. Who have good Steem Power.

2. Those who are providing good content no matter they are new to this community.

Method to make friendship to those who have good Steem Power
First follow them. You must reply and try to interact with them though their post. You must read their post and comment accordingly. If you have doubt then you must ask them. This way they attract toward you and come forward to answer your question. This way you can start you introduction and continue till you become good friends. Try to comment on every post they provide and resteem it. It’s very good if you give them suggestion and help them. Whenever they read you comment they will recognize you by name and a day come that they start believing you and upvote you’re comment and even start follow you.

New User: you must engage with new users too who are providing good content because you both can support each other for the rest of your journey. New users are like your classmate because you both help each other to grow in this community together.

This is Key Point to Start-up in this community.

2. Write appropriate comment on other article and earn

Image Credit: Google

I am watching from last 10 days that every user writes same type of comment. For example: Nice post, upvoted which is ordinary comment and author not impressed with it and they start ignoring you. You must have to comment and providing useful thought. Write different than others so they recognize you early than others. This way you grab attraction from author and even user which are commenting on that post. This way those people can also upvote your comment and you start earning.

3. Write Quality Blog Post.

Image Credit: Google

As author you have to write good quality article. That article may be about your technical knowledge, maybe about your personal life, maybe about your hobbies or anything but unique and have full knowledge. This way you can attract people on steemit. Once they addicted to your content they will start follow. Must reply to every useful comment and reward them if you have enough power. You must have to write on the topic in which you have full knowledge.

Writing quality post is necessary for you. Don’t spam your blog by posting images or copy paste the other blogs content no matter that content you copy from other site. If you have quantity blog post then even Google crawl it and start showing your article on Google first pages. This way you get attention from outside this community and they even start sign up this community and start following you. This way you also help steemit in growth. Steemit boot even check track your post traffic and can trend your article if they article have unique content and you will start earning decent money. Even people start following you.

To write good quality post you have to write at least 500 words in one article. Must use attractive Thumbnail and images related to your post.

4. Help new users

Image Credit: Google

New users don’t know how to use steemit properly and they have 100s of question in their mind. If you know the answer then must answer them. This way they become your friend and start following you. You may even become mentor for them. Motivate them and help them regularly. May be they become grow faster according to their content but they never forget you and always help you in future. Never forget even a mouse can help Lion.

5. Take Participation in Contests

Image Credit: Google

Lot of users provides contest on steemit. You have to follow the instructing and participate on those contest. You can also win it and earn handsome amount. If you will not win then you earn visibility. Even I am participating in one contest #mychild365 run by @cranium. He always support me by upvote and comment on post. This way I earn something every day instead of nothing.

6. Follow Users

Image Credit: Google

There is nothing wrong to follow more users. You can follow users as much as you like or want. This way you can find good content in your feed or you can say in your steemit homepage.

7. Buy Steem Power

Image Credit: Google

It’s is best to buy Steem Power if you can. If you buy 100 Steem Power than your vote value become $0.03 for 100%. This way you can reward users and they love to visit and comment on your article and even reward you as much as they can. As you drops can make ocean. If you can afford to buy Steem Power in one time then buy in instalment. If you want to know how to buy Steem Power cheaply then read my article. The best way to buy any altcoin cheaply Steem Power help you to grow fast other than normal users

Last not Least

Give your maximum time on steemit in the beginning because it is hard for every user to make identity on steemit. It takes only 1 year but after that it’s easy for you to operate on steemit with handsome can earn good. It’s about your dedication. I wish my information helps you and motivate you to stay on steemit.

No one become millionaire overnight. You have to work hard without expecting money and one day you will surely become a millionaire.

Follow me, Resteem and Upvote (2).gif


I too join today and I will follow your main point to grow on Steemit. Thanks dude for good information.

Your Welcome

Hey hey, you made an excellent post with nice points. Just joined Steem today and will definitely use your advices. So long and good luck with your new ventures and posts. :)

Excellent article. Only when we start to give something to the system, it will start to give to us in substitutions. I'm glad I met you :)

Отличная статья. Только, когда мы начнем что-то давать системе, она начнет нам давать в замен. Я рад, что познакомился с Вами:)

Thanks bro for your appreciation. Is my article is good? Have you read it?

Of course I did. I really liked it.

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