STEEMD: How to track your activity on Steemit. A behind the scenes look at Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Take a look at this picture. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, "Geez i've never seen that before. It looks kind of like Steemit though but a whole lot different"

Well guess what? You can get access to this page buy just changing the word "steeemit" to "steemd" in the url of most of the pages you visit on Steemit. Try it now.

When you get to that page, you'll realize that, all your activity will be displayed as some kind of ledger. Whenever you upvote, comment, whenever someone upvotes, downvotes etc. You can click on each individuals name and see their activity as well.

I'm guessing this will be used for the notification system/feature should Steemit decide to implement that in the future. From the way it looks now, they have most of the backend in place to implement a notification system. Also this is a neat way to track the activity of users(not in a bad way). For example, they could use this to find out if there are re-posts by users. Another example will be if a hacker tried to hack a Steemit account, they could look back to the footprints of the hacker. Indeed, the usefulness of this could be potentially huge and I'm sure they(the developers and the entire team know what I'm talking about).

In the top right corner, you will find your balance details with a slight difference compared with what you see in your wallet. There's the introduction of Vests.

Think of vests as another token associated with Steemit. On the distribution tab, you can find the conversion rate at the very moment. Below is the conversion rate at the time of writing this post.

As to the complete details of these value, for example(MV). I don't have all the info, but i'm sure we'll all find out with time. If anyone of you knows, feel free to comment down below and educate us all.

Back to the activity page on the left hand side is some details about your account. Some are very technical and perhaps you don't necessarily have to know about all of them at moment at least for now.

One of the very common ones being talked about is your voting power.

The higher your voting power is, the lesser you have been up-voting and curating content. The lower it is the more you're engaged with the content of Steemit. I don't know as to how it affects you if it's too low or too high. It's just what I've observed so far. If you have been curating content and it drops, it will recover with time back to 100%. It's like your cells, when they get burnt, they recover.

Before we take a look at the most fun part for me, there's also the witnesses tab.

According to Steemit,
"On the Steem blockchain, witnesses serve a role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) which update the state of the database. Each time a witness produces a block, they are paid for their service. If a witness fails to produce a block, then they are not paid, and may even be voted out.

Every round of block production begins with the shuffling of 21 witnesses: the top 19 witnesses (by vote), plus one randomly-selected standby witness, and one miner witness. Each is given a turn to produce a single block at a fixed rate of one block every 3 seconds. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block."

Here is the list of witnesses listed

From what it looks like. They do a very important job at Steemit and ensure the network runs successfully. They're voted and down voted on so whoever doesn't do a good job, gets demoted or such. Whatever it is, we should be thankful to them as their job looks and is very important. Great job witnesses!

Now to the fun part i was talking about earlier. Back to the distribution tab, you'll see a series of 3 tables. Active Steemit accounts for the last 24 hours, last 7 days and All accounts.

Based on your Steem equivalent in vests. You're labeled with a title(level). So for example, i have 1.453M Vests. So looking at the charts I'm a proud superuser working my way to the top to become a legend. Check how much vests you have and see where you stand. It's nice to know :) and also to know that you'll be at a certain level as long as you contribute your quota to and engage with Steemit.

There are a lot of details to this interesting page/feature of Steemit. I recommend taking a look at it. Perhaps you can make good use of it someway somehow. Looking at this page also makes me know how serious Steemit is with the entire structure and business model. It'll be interesting what Steemit will look like once we come out of Beta. And yes, i said we. I consider myself part of this wonderful family by force :D

Thanks for reading and let me know if there's anything i missed. We can all learn a thing or two from each other. But until then, go check it out now.

Happy Steeming Everyone!

UPDATE: 1MV = 1 million vests. For every 1 million vest, it is an equivalent of 243.501 Steem at this moment. I knew this, thought it was something else. So now we' re a bit more clear on the conversion for vests. For each 1 millions vests you have, it has its equivalent of Steem and its dollar value. Also, Based on the number of "million vests you have", you can figure out your level from the 3 tabular charts on the distribution page.


Wow this is ver helpful, thanks a lot.

I'm very glad it helped you @nikowonder . Thanks for reading :)

All information will be studied
but I can not promise this :)

I meant - I will read, but for now I go to sleep :)

Nice I learned a few things I didn't know... @kakradetome Maybe you know why some users have + in front of the names when you search for them.
Anyone is welcome to answer as well.

I've thought about that myself and have no clue. In programming, those mean public(+) and private(-) lol. Although i doubt this is the reason, perhaps somthing along those lines.

Thank you :) I'm very glad you see that. Hope it was helpful for you.

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