Steemit Boycott... "Already?" - "yup"

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I think a redistribution of wealth is in order.

The top earners have made more on single posts than most of us make in a year. One vote from the right person and your post will shimmer and shine with the brightest light you've ever known, bringing its value to ungodly heights that most of us could hardly fathom.

Its time for the little ones to be given an opportunity. From now on, I will no longer vote for posts by anyone over with over 15,000 SteemPower. I believe that if we all boycott the whales, they would be more inclined to share the wealth. All it takes is one upvote from them to change your life. So lets get writing! I will return all upvotes for this post, and you all should do the same. If we cut of their supply of minnew votes, they will be forced to help us ascend the ranks. We've been given an economic democracy. Its time to use it to our advantage.

As we see more minnews rise up, I think the quality and DIVERSITY of content will be VASTLY improved.

  • Stop voting for whales.

  • Keep upvoting minnews. (your posts are way more interesting anyway. no, seriously. If I ever read another heiditravels post worth $10,000 I will honestly die.)

"we are the many, you are the few"

Basically, untill I start seeing changes in this game (see below) Im not going to be happy. Keep Steeming you faithful, hard-working, creative and fascinating group of friends!! Keep amazing me!

@jupiter00000 vs. @xeroc

@jupiter00000 vs. @dantheman

@jupiter00000 vs. @heiditravels


Until we meet again...


PS - I really enjoyed seeing that #marijuana post at the top of my feed the other day. It was a nice break from the usual.

Link your recent posts here and know you will have my vote and genuine comment. I encourage others to do this as well.


Your boycott doesn't change anything in terms of SP distribution, but that is a nice try, anyway!

yea, but we can cut off some of their resources by not voting for them.

We need sometime, and when we all get enought SP - everything change.

This is true. This is how the platform was designed. ANYONE making SP makes the platform work, as long as they vote once they have SP. SO people winning BIG (anyone) is good for all of us as long as they vote. If they don't vote then it's not good or bad for us. The only thing that can get in our way is envy and jealousy.

Play the game maybe some day you will be a whale

Im more of a "go up and over the maze" kind of mouse.

Do you understand what @xerox's post was about? If you do then you might realize how big a deal it was and why it made so much more money. Remember when steemit was down and you couldn't use the website? With @xerox's platform that doesn't have to happen. You can use steem, post, reply, etc whether is up or down. That is just one thing. It also provided tools for a lot of other developers to work with. THAT is why he got so many votes. With 30,000 or so people registered at the time of @xerox post many of them are highly TECHNICAL. They are likely not the audience you think they are YET.

You are absolutely right on this being a niche audience. I believe that encouraging the non-technical posts from minnews will increase the value of Steemit by creating more diversity. Your point is totally legit though, dont get me wrong. I think agree more than we may disagree... :)

Tara's Makeup post wasn't very technical. Yet people complain about that. I think no matter what is voted on people are going to complain. The reality is we don't need to. @Xerox, and @Guerrint, etc now should have more steem power. IF THEY vote for posts they like they will help up lift other people. The only case where it kind of sucks is people get good steem power and don't use it. :) I don't think that is going to be the case for these guys/gals.

Keep up the good work!

I don't know, that seems like a not so good idea.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I may very well be), but it feels like it could end like this:

  • Redistribute the wealth.
  • Everyone then has even wealth.
  • Everyone is then happy , cashes out.
  • Game over.

By now you have change your mind I suppose :))

lol I know, @dantheman voted and now im like.... well $hit. (thanks)

Ill send some dollars your way ;) - and other commenters as well to encourage the redistribution.

You are really missing some important POINTS.

You'll also likely find out that REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH is a concept many people currently here find to be a rather EVIL thing.

If you can so easily generalize the opinion of "many" people here, then you further validate that my post is exactly the kind of thing that will fix the lack of diverse opinion that the current power structure tends to uphold. This isnt a clique. Its a community. This isnt a club. Its the internet. ;)

How do you think people are going to GET power? By people with steem power voting on them. I've seen posts with a lot of minnows voting on them get $0.00 simply because we have little power, and we vote a lot and miss that we are diluting our vote due to each vote reducing voting power which regenerates over 24 hours.

So the most likely way someone that is a minnow is going to be up lifted is when someone with steem power up votes a minnows post.

The people with the most steem power at the moment have likely been developing or part of the project for some time. They have started voting on people like @heidistravel, and @guerrint, and yes @xeroc. And those people have been getting FLAGGED on their posts.

All three of those people have more voting power now. They are the ones that are likely to lift minnows out of the bottom.

I am not GENERALIZING the opinion. I am clarifying that the opinion MANY people are missing. When a person here makes a lot of steem power, how does that hurt you? What did they do to you? How did they wrong you? How was your life negatively impacted?

WAIT: If one of them votes on you they can certainly now be in a power to HELP you. If one of them improperly FLAGs a post simply because they disagree with it (which they are not doing) they could HURT you.

So tell me, what did ANY of those people do to any of you talking boycott?


They gave you opportunity, yet you are unhappy some people get powerful votes and others do not?

Yet it didn't hurt you. The ONLY thing it may do is inspire envy. It truly hurts no one.

If you know a way that it does hurt someone though, I'd be interested in hearing it as that'd likely change my perspective a lot.

I think your response is great food for thought. Thank you.

What did these people do? Not vote on quality posts, while reaping more rewards than seem fair.

The flagging abuse, I agree, needs to stop.

Thanks for your honest thought and at least considering what I was sharing. It wasn't me trying to say I AM RIGHT and YOU ARE WRONG. It was more of a "hey, we're all dealing with something that's never existed before that is still in beta. How we think about other things may not actually apply as well here."

I don't particularly like how they vote either. I do think @xerox post for the Piston-GUI stuff was pretty awesome and deserving. A great way to help Open Source and free people from the shackles of having to work for Microsoft or Apple.

However, I also saw how they said developers are voting on stuff they think will grow the audience. We're a pretty intelligent group here (the early adopters) and the type of posts they have been up voting have attracted more people. So while I didn't particularly favor many of those posts... it is attracting people.

Another way to look at it is we are all shareholders. More people using the platform should benefit us all a lot.

Funny thing is. I have nothing to do with the POWER structure. Redistribution of wealth never fixes problems. EVER. What you need is people with different interests to USE their steem power they get to go to the NEW section and vote on things they like. We shouldn't even really be paying much attention to the trending section at this point. You don't get curation rewards for the majority of the stuff if you vote on it by the time it hits trending. You get the most from NEW, and you can get some from HOT if you get it when it's still pretty recent.

fuck steemit, its where hopes goto die.

If you have a positive look on crypto don't risk molesting that view by bringing yourself here.

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