I Vouch for @Crypto.piotr - Open letter

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Piotr: Friend, Brother.

I can not help but feel concern for you.
I hope this is an unfounded feeling.
I hope you are well, I hope you are very well.

I had not seen the exchange of comments that happened in your last post.

The campaign to support @steemchurch that you started, with no other interest than helping those who need it most, raised a lot of dust.

That attitude of the people of steemitbloggers was a total baseness.
The delegation of 20K SP promoted by @theycallmedan, brought to the surface the lowest aspects of our contender.

But that does not interest me, they are empty words of stupid people. They are puppets that hang from weak threads, pulled by the hand of greed.

You are a true modern man, intelligent, visionary entrepreneur. You have guided me to be here. To me and many others.

We admire you, we sincerely admire you.

You are honored That is what matters most.

You are a good person, I know it.

Nobody can ever offend you.

There will be many who will try to insult you, but they will never be able to offend you.

Your reputation and your image are intact.

Come back, we are waiting for you with open arms.

I invite all our friends.

I invite all friends of @crypto.piotr, to leave a message of support for our precious friend.

Let people know that Piotr is not alone.


Dear @juanmolina, of course i give all my support to @crypto.piotr, but i do not think as far i know him he will give up, he understand that he moved a lot of people, he was in the 20 peoples getting on final stage of dpoll and he ask to his supporter to support @steemchurch, so he did his best, nothing else.
Unfortunately when someone get vision and importance, some people like us are happy, some people are envy and start to try to say stupid words, this is the world of socials, all are the same, someone love you and someone envy you.
Anyway i say to my friend Piotr to keep going on in his work, this is something very important for all of us!

You know me so well @intellihandling :)
I'm heading to Wroclaw in just few days. How's the weather? Hope to meet up with you soon Marco :)


Dear Piotr, i am in Italy for work now, but the weather is not so cold as per this season, never like Malaysia where is summer all year long, but you know it very well...;)
When i will be in Poland i will call you, please send me by email your mobile contact...:)))

Yes till wielkanoc...

Let me know once you will be coming back to Poland @intellihandling

I would love to meet you in person Marco :)


Are you already in Poland? I Will be on easter

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Piotr knows he is not alone, particularly since he is a generous and effective community builder.

Just as he will never abandon anyone, none of us who are members of this community will ever abandon him. We would have no reason to do so.

I'm surely not alone :)

Having such a great friends like yourself @majes.tytyty is my biggest treasure here on Steemit.

I loved every little talk we had within past several weeks. Meeting you in person was such a pleasure. Till next time! :)


I wasn't aware of the extent of the negative feedback he received. It pains me to see the unnecessary hate and I think this is a product of the platform in its current state. People see major figures here spreading hate and it has a cascading effect onto others. It does not need to be so, but I wonder if we will ever get to the point where these petty disagreements don't turn into large wars and over-reactions to it all.. We can just keep supporting him and the people he works with to show them he has many friends and supporters on here.

Dear @cmplxty

Thank you for your kind words buddy. It's not only me who received all that negative feedback. Few other people who represented @SteemChurch has been also targeted. Anyway it's all over now and time to move on :)

I've a taste of being a public person and it's just a bit ... crazy :)

People see major figures here spreading hate and it has a cascading effect onto others.

Indeed. Im very determined to ignore those people in the future. I believe we all have learned some lesson here and it's already time to move on.


I have a saying that @crypto.piotr will understand. "Get over it and move on"!
There will always be detractors where money is involved. Piotr ran a great campaign and of that he should be proud. He will always have my support.
Thanks for a great post @juanmolina you have done him proud 💜

Dear @andyjem

I have a saying tbat crypto.piotr will understand. "Get over it and move on"!

Good saying buddy.

Piotr ran a great campaign and of that he should be proud. He will always have my support.

Im mostly proud of people like @juanmolina and yourself, who were there all the way to support this campaign.

I'm forever very grateful for your words of kindness and support ;)


He looks youngr than 40 !

I have never had reason to distrust the man, but, looking at what was said, it seems to me that Piotr was accused according to the cynical point of view of his accusers, who went to great lengths to make it clear that it is how they would have behaved in his place.

Heck, maybe someday, when he has time, we may even get in touch as I think he could help me create a new business - which though it is unique, is partly based on crypto-currency.

So, the more you fret about the words said, the more importance you give them. All it needs is that you protest once...and then let them stew...

Dear @arthur.grafo

How did you know that I'm over 40? :)

Indeed I'm bleessed with very young looking face. Which is strange considering the fact that I used to be a fighter (boxing and muay thai) and I got few cuts on my face during those years (elbows and punches). Somehow I still seem to look ... reasonable young and "handsome" hehehe :)

looking at what was said, it seems to me that Piotr was accused according to the cynical point of view of his accusers

I really believe that those who accused me just badly wanted to win. @steemitbloggers has been winning for first few days and only on 5th @steemchurch took over. That day I start receiving messages asking if we're really paying people to vote on us. That was very creative strategy, which worked.

The only problem I see is that those people sharing false accusations ... they either started to believe in their own untrue words. Or they just carried on, knowing that there is no evidence but it's already to late to back up and apologize. I dunno. Surely it's all over and it's time to move on.

Thank you for your comment and for your support to @SteemChurch.

we may even get in touch as I think he could help me create a new business - which though it is unique, is partly based on crypto-currency.

I would LOVE to hear more about it. Definetly you can count on my interest and support.


lol - you mentioned your age in a post...

I'll send you an email in a few days....I can use the one on your blog page header?

Dear @arthur.grafo

somehow I've missed your reply. Im sorry about it.

Yes please, use the one from my blog page :)

Cheers, Piotr


Have I been communicating with someone else these last days?

If it was not you, then I must make certain to delete if I can

Dear @arthur.grafo

I'm the only person replying from this account. The only thing is that I'm engaging with many different people and it does happen from time to time that I'm mixing up some conversations. Especially if I don't know person well yet (which is easy since we do not engage in real life and to remember all usernames is difficult).

Luckily right now I have already some "memories" related to your username.

Anyway sorry for any kind of confusion.


That is okay and understood, after all, we all are part of this stupid system where followers grow to the point where it is only a 'prestige' thing, look, I have xxx followers, destroying the idea of having a feed page, since I can only rarely see people I like or want to support, the rest are people who are there without having earned their place and, to be honest, do not deserve my time (that is not meant in a nasty or egotistical manner).

I do wonder though, how can there be any personal satisfaction in spreading yourself so thin? For instance, we spoke about a project of mine, and my expressed interest in working with you, due to your marketing experience - which should be guiding us from before we begin codong.

Just when I thought you were really interested and would be creating a new email for communicating w/out G knowing what we plan, you dropped away without a word about it again, only reverting to older messages here.

Perhaps my project is only a dream that cannot work, but then, since you know nothing much about it, you'll never know whether you could have been part of something important (in doing good to others).

Now I too am off in pursuit of identifying the right person or people to help me make my dream happen, which means I mostly, only have time for making my fiction posts as I want my story on the blockchain.

I'll let you know how it goes and if we get to the marketing stage, we can look at cooprating - if you can.

Hi @arthur.grafo4 , @@@arthur.grafo

The fact that you're replying from two different accounts is a bit confusing lol :) Why not use one?

how can there be any personal satisfaction in spreading yourself so thin

I think most users do not even want to do that. The problem is not within people but within platform itself. It's very easy to follow someone but to filter your followers and unfollow - that's a nightmare.

Let's say that within a year time I followed 1000 people. After one year 90% (or more) of those users will already quit Steemit. Did you ever try to check 100 users and unfollow those not being active? It's very time consuming.

It really has very little to do with 'prestige'. In current days amount of followers hardly means anything to anyone (Im saying that as a social media marketer, who deals with many users and businesses). Now real engagement matters more and more.

Just when I thought you were really interested and would be creating a new email for communicating w/out G knowing what we plan, you dropped away without a word about it again, only reverting to older messages here.

Would you mind reminding me our conversation about your project? I could possibly miss one of your comments. Definetly I would love to help if I only can. I love new interesting challenges more than making $$$ :)


Friend @juanmolina

I can tell you that, unlike you who have spent much more time knowing Piotr, I can say that @crypto.piotr everything that happened with this contest does not daunt you, on the contrary you give more strength, because I can perceive that everything turns into knowledge.
Notice how it was possible to unmark someone in your own publication, who claimed that he was doing a lot of spam.
Many times people do not know how to direct their anger and that is bad.
Possibly as a human I could have bothered, but I am certain that I breathe and kept going, he humbly apologized to that user for the bad moment ..
you know every time I read the comments of @crypto.piotr I see how great it is as a human being who feels and lives, but faces intelligently, that's what we all have to learn.

I feel very proud to know him, and to meet him he took me to you, a man who also keeps his composure despite the things that you also went through with that promotion. And I can also say that you learned to know people by their actions.

I know that he will go ahead, in these moments he is focused on what comes to his trip and move and the time he will be away from home.

All of us who know piotr will continue to support him,

I want you to know that both he and you can count on my support.

Thank you Brother.

Hi @lanzjoseg

I'm sorry for such a late reply. I only read your comment right now (somehow I seem to miss it).

Your words are always so encouraging. GRACIAS COLEGA! :)


Hi @crypto.piotr you're such a nice Friend and human being. We all love you brother and always with you. I am with you and always will support you whenever required.

Thanks @juanmolina for writing this post.

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Thanks to you.

Dear @alokkumar121

you're such a nice Friend and human being.

I confirm that indeed I AM a human being :)

Cheers buddy :) Piotr

Hello @juanmolina

I really appreciate your support to @crypto.piotr he is an amazing person, he is a friend and also he is a family in our small community..

@crypto.piotr knows that my support is always available..

Great man, person and always is looking for a new way how to help more people on steemit ..

Piotr is not alone, we are here to support you as you helped us at the beginning..

Bad times teach us and make us stronger,

I’m sure Piotr will never give up, he will continue helping more and more ..

All my support with you my big friend @crypto.piotr ...

Thank you so much @juanmolina for this amazing prize to him..

Let’s continue helping more people and never give up for nothing...!!!

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Dear @edgarare1

I'm forever very grateful for your words of kindness and support :)

I’m sure Piotr will never give up, he will continue helping more and more ..

one day I surely will be old and lazy and rich. that will be time to give up on heavy work and start enjoying life :)


Yeah, that’s right..!!

Hard work brig us freedom at the end ..

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I admire @crypto.piotr stance of giving support to whom he thinks should better win.

I still and will vote for him.

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Dear @guruvaj

I'm forever very grateful for your words of kindness and support :)


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