🔇 There is Something Wrong Here (English Version)

in #steemit7 years ago

I have observed quite a bit the interaction issue here in Steemit after HF 19 and I came to the conclusion of how interaction, that is, voting, comments etc. is something very rare and difficult to happen after the HF 19 has given a great benefit in particular to the smaller users (fishes) which is a greater voting power in posts and comments.


I "talking to my friend" Ascenso Ferreira, a great writer from Pernambuco, Brazil at the foot of the Capibaribe River, in the Cais da Alfândega neighborhood of Recife Antigo (Old Recife).

This adjustment in the system and in the block protocols that make up the Steem / Steemit ecosystem gave a great "blessing" to the users hands, but at the same time, we lost a lot of the sense of community and cooperation. Most famous bloggers (celebrities) because of their influence and because they have more access to whales do not stop winning more SBD with each post, while users less famous or not loved by whales (like me and many) are doomed to oblivion. Even in relevant and valuable posts ("Great Posts"), the rewards are "just cents".

I am a capitalist and I understand that inequality is something that independent of the social layer, it will always exist and history, both general history and anthropology tells us that throughout human history differences are part of our whole social set and it is the reason in which we are always in search of our goals and dreams. Even among the rich there is inequality, because some have a lot and others have little (middle class, rich, millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires).


Me on the streets

I have learned from the great names of economic freedom like Mises, Hayek, Bastiat, Rothbard and others that the more external or internal interference a society suffers from either rulers or those who have the power, plus the freedoms (social or economic) of that society are doomed. Monopolies are created and having a monopoly, the privileged that are part of this monopoly will always have their reward guaranteed while others who are not part of this monopoly however much they produce will never have their long-awaited success.

Bringing this example to Steemit, this is what is happening today and I see this with great concern. It's been 1 year since I joined this platform.and I've seen, heard and read a lot about everything that has happened and it's happening from various problems or discussions about the paths of the community and as an "old" user I see myself in the right to expose what I think and which I feel every day here.


Searching for reflections.

I apologize if anyone who has read this post has somehow felt offended or if my words were harsh, aggressive or too direct. I am so, I am direct, objective, frontal, I hate "half-truths", injustices and I believe that dialogue, cooperation and truth make a society or a community more harmonious for all.

Thanks for reading my post!

Obrigado por ter lido o meu post!

All photos are signed in ©, are my own and taken with my camera Sony Alpha ILCE 3500📷


js sign.jpg


I wonder if they will ignore this or will do something about it. And how long it will take. Several posts are complaining about this.

Every monopoly destroys any society. I expect a freer platform in every way. I hope they listen and see another way to run this wonderful platform. Thanks for coming here @brothermic

Pois é, amigo, a cada HF não adiantará. Para mim, não há solução para isso. Quanto mais usuários, menos votos, menos comentários, menos interação, menos valor, menos tudo... mais nada.

Ainda acredito que, caso criemos "nichos" ou "grupos", como aquele que você está criando com o Projeto Camões, poderemos "fazer algum verão", pelo menos os falantes de língua portuguesa. Mas essa iniciativa tem partido dos usuários, e não daqueles que codificam.

Este comentário não é nem uma reclamação de minha parte, é a realidade e, o que vejo, é o esvaziamento de tudo o que prezamos (visitas, leituras e, pelo menos, comentários; nem precisa votar, caso não queira). Contudo, é um início. Não há qualquer outra rede social assim e, neste caso, precisamos esperar para ver o que acontece. É através das publicações do tipo "reclamação" que os CEOs entenderão o que fazer, porém, se implementarão, eu não sei. Talvez sim, mas poderá demorar.

Não culpo a vontade de todos quererem muitos usuários por aqui, entretanto, bato na tecla e sigo repetindo, com o sistema que há agora no Steemit, não existe a menor possibilidade de termos votos com 100% de poder, porque é MUITA gente para pouca leitura. Ou seja, todos estão preocupados em publicar e querer votos, mas não na leitura e apoio do que está a seu lado. (Mais uma vez, as pessoas não fazem isso por maldade, fazem-no, talvez, porque é muita gente e ficar buscando conteúdo para ler, com esse sistema, é meio doido e totalmente cansativo. Pelo menos para mim.)

Creio que o @wagnertamanaha havia falado sobre comunidades e a implementação dessa ideia para o segundo semestre. Pode ser uma boa solução e espero que a implementem.

Abraços, amigo! Pergunta: e a conta do Projeto Camões, deu certo? Já mandaram e-mail com a confirmação?

Ainda não @manandezo, caso não seja aprovada irei eu mesmo fazer esse trail em meu nome, sem problemas. Realmente você está correto. Interação é leitura, acompanhamento, comentários e se quiser, votos. Mas somente de ler e comentar já estamos felizes. Tomara que vejam esse meu post como uma critica positiva para uma eventual mudança e não como uma critica para denegrir, falar mal de quem quer que seja ou "cuspir no prato em que comeu" como falamos aqui no BR. Enfim, falei, está aí, é o que eu penso e vamos em frente. Obrigado @manandezo

I appreciate the people on Steemit who raise issues as they see them, especially people who have been on the platform for awhile. There are more odd behaviors going on after HF19 than any of the other hard Forks.

Thank you for the support my dear

Yea the payouts have been really low :)

Yeah... :) No man, I don't speak of payments, because you are worth according to the value you add to the community, but I speak of privileges and monopolies and that is what I am talking about in this post...

My goal is to keep engaging and keep posting content that is hopefully valuable to the world...

Your goals appear to be similar - so keep at it! Please.

Cheers, mate...

This is the way my friend, a good day for you!

do they not understand that this behavior is not good, I am talking of the comment below. Also there is a gigantic monopoly I have discovered, it is crazy how deep it goes too! I really don't even want to talk about it cause they will just lay waste to my account!

I gave you a upvote

Please give me a upvote @jsantana

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