Poloniex Never More! 👊🔥

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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I would like begin this post saying offenses, but I will spare and respect you reader. I have been using Poloniex since 2012 and have never had any problems with deposits, withdrawals, trading, etc., everything was perfect. But I realized from a few months until today that everything has changed. The symptoms I see is a total abandonment with customer satisfaction that credits (invests) and entrusts them their money.

  1. The first symptom was the deletion of the Trollbox, which, although the Trolls actually appeared there only to FUD, that chat was what "warmed" the negotiations and was the first support contact with this exchange.

  2. Second symptom is precisely the problem that I am facing today that is to deposit my money in Poloniex, not see my money arrive in them even the address being correct, send a support ticket and after 9 hours, have no response.

I deposited 30 SBD yesterday at Poloniex...

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Here is my deposit slip

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I went to check my deposit on @poloniex page and it was confirmed that I correctly sent my 30 SBD

For many here is little money, an insignificant amount, but for me it is not. I'm not a "Steemit Celebrity" who earns for example 300, 400, 500, 1k SBD per post, is every day on the trending page and I don't have the whales by my side to ensure this. I live in an underdeveloped country where every dollar is very valuable and these 30 SBD are sure for me missing because only I know how much I worked and waited to earn those 30 SBD.

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My support ticket for Poloniex. 9 hours and nothing

What revolts me beyond the incompetence of Poloniex in not responding to its users in their deposits is the silence of those who make the Steemit platform. No communication on @steemitblog, nobody says anything and users are exposed to being harmed as many here are being. We need an official position from the developers of the platform, how many of us will still be victims of this?

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I hopefully went to see the SBD page today and look at the surprise: "Deposits and withdrawals suspended".

For today and forever the certainty that I have is that I never deposit or business 1 cent in Poloniex. My funds are all being sent to my wallets. Poloniex Never More!

Thanks for reading my post!

Obrigado por ter lido o meu post!


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I just place a sell order with my Bytecoins, that wallet been disabled for weeks, XMR seems to be working so I am gonna withdraw it there. Hopefully all goes well, I smell the rat and hopefulle everything goes through before the system caves in

9 hours? I've been waiting for 18 days and 17 hours for a reply! Consider moving to Bittrex (at least, that's what I did)

Absurd...I will do this for sure. Thanks @dimitrisp

Yup, Bettrix can be an option for Poloneix, but as Poloneix will lose users, then they will surely look into it, I think .. .. :)

Yep, loads of people including myself in the same boat with Steem. If this was more than 1 wallet it would be more of an concern. I must be the only one thats glad the troll box is missing i used to have it minimized anyway. Too many users and the text scrolling faster than i could read it. Support got back to me within an hour saying steem is in maintance mode

I saw today and they temporarily disabled receiving SBDs :/

Vamos ver né cara...me sinto lesado vendo o meu dinheiro "sequestrado" por eles...

Seems you are not alone in your issues with Poloniex.

I've used Bittrex for several altcoins including Steem and it was reasonably fast and easy to use.

Man, sorry about that...

I'm with you on the Trollbox - if they've disabled it to put everyone into customer service, then why not actually have everyone into customer service?

Bittrex and Cryptopia are two good alternatives.

Hang in there, man...they'll figure it out.

For me it only remains to wait and pray for my little SBD to be in my account soon ...Thanks for your words @davevandewalle

Ya. I saw some people are giving the same warning here. I think we better avoid this exchange. Is Bittrex a better choice?

I used blocktrade before. But I leant that the fee is higher with blocktrades.

Yes, Blocktrades has a very high fee. I use Changelly a lot, less fee.

I deposited over 200 SBD yesterday that disappeared the same way and spoke to others here on steemit that suffered the same fate that the deposit was not credited to their account. Now we have to wait for them to sort it and hope our money is safe and will be paid into our accounts.

For us only wait and pray...

Totally agree with you @jsantana.
I'm writting a series of posts to find alternatives. You migth be interested in reading them. 😊❤

I will take a look @marieta88

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