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RE: Suggestion: About the Second Payout Period and Reposting Content
Hey cryptos, maybe instead of re-posting an old post, write an update linking back to the original post and include new material or advice.
That's a good idea. Indeed, I think @cryptos was saying precisely 'repost with updates'. Since people are not necessarily and I think there is starting to be a rising awareness that 'winning big votez' is not the only thing to be doing here, especially people who are posting useful information a writer has gained through some process or other, especially, I think, how-tos and stuff relating to steem-ware (software that works with steem), there is a definite need for a logical place for it to go, why not on the blockchain?
Maybe something like, at the top:
Following on from /l0k1/postname: an update including new information
+1 for both ideas