"Facebook Accused in $1 Billion Suit of Being Hamas Tool" How could Law affect the Steemit Network ?

in #steemit8 years ago

"The Palestinian militant Hamas group used facebook to plot attacks that killed 4 Americans and wounded one in Israel, the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Facebook Accused in $1 Billion Suit of Being Hamas Tool

“Facebook has knowingly provided material support and resources to Hamas in the form of Facebook’s online social network platform and communication services,” making it liable for the violence against the five Americans, according to the lawsuit sent to Bloomberg by the office of the Israeli lawyer on the case, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.
“Simply put, Hamas uses Facebook as a tool for engaging in terrorism, it said"

this is about sharing content:
read more in the original article on bloomberg.com by Gwen Ackerman (https://twitter.com/GwenSahar)


What is about Steemit ?

Could this network get a lawsuit when someone is using it to earn some money for terrorism ?

How would this affect the community ?

How is it possible for Governments to regulate or adjust steemit ?

Who would pay for it and why ?


Steem is a blockchain. Blockchains are public, open and secure databases. They are public because anyone can query their data. They are open because anyone (or anyone with tokens) can add data. They are secure because, subject to exceptions that I won't note here, nobody can delete any entry in the database (not even by court order).

Judges cannot legally order any party to do the impossible. For instance, no judge could order me to paint the sky red. Ordering Steemit (the website) to delete an entry from Steem (the blockchain) would be impossible. The best a judge could do would be to order Steemit not to display certain offensive entries in the database (for instance, those supporting terrorism).

Terrorists would have a hard time making money via Steem/Steemit. They would almost certainly be overwhelmingly downvoted, especially by Steem whales who would seek to protect the integrity and reputation of the platform. Lots of down votes means no money and disappearing from the main feed. Deprived of both money and publicity, they'd move on to some other platform.

once governments realize the potential of using earnd value from steemit for terror finance, money laundering or tax evasion they would like to regulate this network in a way.
The EU commitee just regulated the anonymity of cryptocurrencies because of these reasons. (like a european new york bitlicense)
dont get me wrong.
i feel quite comfortable in this position.
i cant imagine how governments would manage this.

That lawsuit is going to flop. They should sue Google while they're at it.

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