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RE: Introducing the Steem Defender Bot. Designed to Protect Steem From Economic Collapse and Support Minnow Growth (Article)

in #steemit7 years ago

I have a problem with this. You are telling me that I can't vote for the people I like. I have several people that I like to vote on, mainly because the quality of their content is consistently excellent.
In my opinion, what you are suggesting is tyranny. If I want my influence to increase and be able to vote, I would have to vote for people that have content that is no better than cat posters on Facebook.
If you really want to fix the problem, then get rid of the damn bots and make it impossible for bots to work. Make it to where you have to use your own votes and power to actually vote on good content.

Here's how this works. I vote for things that I like, and that's why I don't vote for all the bitcoin, litecoin, etc posts and vote on art, science, creative writing posts.
I'm sorry, @earthnation, but I really don't like your idea. I think it's a makeshift patch at best.


If you have a better solution.....

I'm just a steam user, and I enjoy this platform, and while I have a problem with it from time to time, but I'm not about to go the extreme of punishing people for liking what they like.
I still believe it's tyranny to tell someone what they have to like and how they have to like it.
In my opinion, banning bots would be a good place to start. In addition, if people treated this like a content site, not an investment center, it would also help.
But people will be people and people with money will always seek a way to make more money.


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