Today I Was Followed by Susan Bennet, dedicated to Siri and Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago

Morning Routine :

Today I wake up as any other day, make my morning coffee, browse my Altcoin investments, Check on the mothership Bitcoin. Read some news, and go over my social media accounts, Steemit and Twitter. One thing caught my attention, Susan Bennett followed me on twitter.

Who is Susan Bennett :

Wikipedia tells us this about Susan;

Susan Bennett (born 1948/1949) is an American voice-over artist. She is best known for being the female American voice of Apple's "Siri" since the service was introduced on the iPhone 4S on October 4, 2011.

I say to myself "Wow Apple Siri followed me on twitter", it might not mean much to some of you, but ever since I purchased my iPhone 5 a few years back, Siri or Susan, has a been a very loyal companion. She listens to my questions, gives me answers when I manage to ask them right, and even takes me to my destination without having to type in the address.

At a push of a button Siri is there for you, she knows where the closest Chinese restaurant is, or gas station, and tells you nicely if she has no information for you. In the early days when Apple Released IOS 8 they glitched with the Maps service, Siri took me to a few wrong addresses, but that was not her fault, she was given the wrong data. I was willing to forgive Siri back then, because I am so much anti texting and driving, or any typing and driving for that matter. To me Siri saves lives.

Siri has a gone a long way since IOS 8, she is much better at what she does now. She almost always gets it right. One day Siri will be so advanced I might be able to have my morning conversation with her, and even ask her for some investment advice.

Dear Siri should I invest in this ICO?

and she would say " I'm not sure I understand "

Dear Siri what is

and she would say " Let me see what I can find out "

It's true Siri does not have enough Data at the moment to answer these questions, but eventually she will. After all she just followed me on twitter, is she data mining my twitter account for the right answers!

The Future of Siri:

Siri already learned a lot from the early days of her debut, and she is learning more everyday. As new tools and data streams become available to Siri the better she will be able to answer your questions. And yes you will have that morning coffee conversation with Siri and she will tell you if the ICO is a scam or not, and what is.

Siri already knows a lot about me, every new address I get whether it is a Doctor, an accountant, or a lawyer, Siri goes with me on the first trip. She tells me how to get there, and even provides a link to a rating service. She can tell me what other Doctors, accountants, or lawyers work in the same area, and provide me with their phone numbers for second opinion.

The future of Steemit:

Siri Thank you for following me on twitter, now I can message you, and tell you about a new social media website called and invite you to check it out and data mine it for the right answers. We here at steemit do not have all the right answers yet, maybe you can lend us your voice of reason. And when we do get the right answers, in this great social experiment, we will succeed. I even heard we are getting a new road-map for Steemit, just like you did after IOS 8, and we will end up at the right places all the time as well.



That is pretty funny and awesome for you! Congrats! "Siri, where will the price of steem be 1 year from now?" :)

That's a very good question. :)

Thats actually pretty cool thanks upped back.

Enjoyed this story. :D


So if I get this right you use to follow Siri now the two of you follow each other. That is a pretty awesome story. I wanted to comment. I just had forgot to do it.

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