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RE: Why Saving Will Make You Broke?

in #steemit7 years ago

excellent article - when I was a fianncial planner , I had this conversation with my clients all the time. Some of the term I would use include gems like, "your money is sitting in the bank "safely" losing money each year ... or "with the way inflation is growing, you can't afford NOT to invest"

I also agree that we need to save so that we have a seed to invest when the opportunity presents itself and that it helps to develop financial discipline. I think it's important to hold money in several layers and a savings account is an important first step in growing financial wealth - but only long enough to invest it - money not deployed , is earning potential wasted.


Yea so true financial discipline is very important. Money not deployed is potentially wasted, another great point there. Thanks @jorlauski!

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