Is the Steem Logo Satanic Symbolism?

in #steemit8 years ago

Is the Steem Logo Satanic Symbolism?

If you take a look at the Monster Energy drink logo you can see the three lines similar to the Steemit logo. Those three lines are said to represent 666, which is the mark of the beast.

Maybe they aren't exactly the same, but just noticed a little similarity, so who knows. I do feel like Satan runs the world though.

Leave your thoughts below.

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I love these theories.  It is for people who have way more time on their hands than most of us....but to each their own. 

Yeah, what assholes post this stuff.

Is Satan as the devil a Zoroastrian construct? It seems very possible since prior to Judaism encountering Zoroastrians they had no concept of Heaven/Hell, and there was reference to "The Satan" but that being was a helper. The Zoroastrians were a dualistic system Good/Evil. It was after the Judaism started mingling with them that the system gradually changed into a dualistic system. This pattern repeats time and time again. You get the entire horned, and pitchfork look from mingling with Romans and the concept of Pan and Hades. Just like Christmas is not actually a Christian holiday. It is a pagan one that existed before then, and it is known Christ could not have been born on that day.

It was easier to ALTER the religion as time went by to convert pagans to their religion.

If you go back far enough you'll find that MOST of their ideas for people like Christ existed with Horus in the Egyptian religion thousands of years earlier and Krishna in Hinduism also predates that. Yet most of the mysteries, stories, disciples, healings, resurrections, etc all happened earlier in these other religions.

So what am I getting at?

Why get hung up on Satan. He is fake, he is made up. If you are having FUN that is a good enough reason though. (Smile)

That is not to say that there is no such thing as good, evil, or right, and wrong. It is simply stating that those avatars are made up and changed in history in whatever way best suits the expansion of the base of that religion.

EDIT: I get into the entire Satan and possession type stories too, and conspiracies to end the world, etc. Yet I get excited about them for the same reason I get excited about Game of Thrones, or a good HP Lovecraft novel, etc. They are fun and exciting. :)

Just because you think space travel is real doesn't mean it exists. You are speaking to a person who thinks the Earth is flat and we live under a dome. So although the image of Satan and stories have changed I don't think that makes him any less real.

Lets say he doesn't exist though, there are still satanic symbols within politics, media, logos, business, and education. You may not notice them but they are definitely there. So the question is why?

You don't have to agree with me, I was more making an observation.

I already told you in another post. You are running in a simulation on my computer. I told you to say that! :)

EDIT: Just because he doesn't exist doesn't mean people don't believe in him. There are a lot of symbols of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny around too, and for a good portion of our lives many of us believe they exist.

And yes the world is flat, because my simulation has not loaded those chunks for you yet. I'm working on it!!

Thanks dwinblood. I'll pray for you.

Don't bother. I don't need it.

I think that was from the History Channel.

EDIT: I may not need it, but if for some reason praying for me makes you feel warm and fuzzy and better then go for it. :) I wouldn't want to interfere with anyone feeling good about themselves.

Oh great the History Channel what a reliable source.

I didn't want to debate, like I said earlier I was making an observation. We don't have to believe the same things, but there is a satanic presence that controls the Earth. Whether it is a person or a group of people they own everything, including the History Channel.

Which VERSION of the bible is your source? I own a lot of them.

I challenge you to prove you are not my simulation. :) You should have faith.

I believe in the people controlling the earth. I don't need religion or a boogeyman to know they are there. That they are our enemies.

If it helps you to think they answer to some incorporeal master so be it.

At least we both see them as enemies.

I even know the names of many of the families that they are part of, and you very likely do as well.

ALSO: I took your initial post to be Satire. That is the only reason I responded. So I would like to apologize for that. Typically when I know someone believes something so totally incompatible with my understanding of reality I will not speak to them unless they invite me to do so. I don't mind talking to people like you, in fact I enjoy it, but it goes against my personal PREFERENCES to attack someone's belief without them inviting me to debate/discuss with them. You did not invite me. You posted, and I honestly thought you were being satirical. So I do apologize for that. I will do my best NOT to misinterpret your posts in the future. NOTICE: I did not say you were wrong. Also my statements of "you are my simulation" was meant to be a joke. :)

No worries @dwinblood I didn't mean to take it personally. I've just always been the crazy person.

Read some stuff there, you will hopefully find it entertaining. :)

BTW: I know a lot about religion. Lot's and lot's of religions. :) It helped me make the simulation.



If you look at the monster logo REALLY close, it's an M. You have to look super fuckin close though.

like really close.

Yup, except M's connect.

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