Frequently asked question they ask us in a job interview

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello friends in my short internship in human resources they always advised us when preparing a job interview, we must study well what questions we are going to ask the candidates. Since we can not extend the interview process indefinitely, it will be important to be clear and concise, so that we focus only on what we need and want to know. For this reason, it is essential to be clear about what not to ask in a personal interview.

Most people consider that a job interview is the evaluation method with the greatest predictive capacity. Therefore, we must plan the questions well to get the most information in the shortest possible time.

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Here are some examples of what not to ask in a personal interview. If we avoid these types of issues, we can get a clearer interview and with which we obtain more and better information about the candidates. Let's deepen.

Do you know anything about us?

This is a fairly common way to start an interview and break the ice. However, it is the first example of something you do not ask in a personal interview. If we are honest, it would not be logical to dispense with a talented candidate because the person in question has not investigated the company.

In addition, the most usual response from the interviewees is something similar to "I have researched a little, but I have not gone deeply into it". With this, the candidates just want to be good with who is evaluating them, but also not risk making a mistake by venturing to talk too much about a company they do not know from within.

How would you like your boss to be?

This is a completely empty and meaningless question.

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No candidate will respond that he wants to have an authoritarian boss or an inept boss. Therefore, we will only get an answer of the type of "I would like to have an empathetic boss, who cares about his employees and where he can have an inspirational figure, someone to learn from. What values ​​to your subordinates and that is demanding, but in a reasonable way ". Obviously, any employee wants to have a good leader as their boss.

What would your former colleagues say about you?

This question only serves to offer the candidate a few seconds to praise himself. The problem will be that these types of answers are usually well prepared by the interviewees and they will limit themselves to saying what we want to hear. Therefore, the candidate will respond by emphasizing teamwork, responsibility, punctuality or perfectionism, among other characteristics and qualities.

Why did you leave your previous job?

This is another clear example of what not to ask in a personal interview. The candidates are aware that recognizing a dismissal can penalize them when trying to access a new position. Therefore, whenever possible, they will try to make up the situation to avoid feeling guilty about the loss of their previous position.

Obviously, this does not mean that candidates are always to blame for what happened. There are a lot of factors that can lead to this situation.

Personal questions

Questions about physical condition or about intimate and personal matters are not recommended, as well as, in some cases, considered illegal. Trying to obtain personal information creates discomfort and even moments of tension, since nobody should judge others because of their religious beliefs, politics, sexual orientation or simply, future family perspectives.

Why do you want to work in this company?

In a similar way to the previous ones, in this case the employee will have prepared a response of the type "I love the projects that you develop and I think it would fit perfectly in them", adding also some qualities related to them. Therefore, this question will not give us much information about the employee in question and what kind of skills make him stand out.

Now, it is also true that if the person is sincere we can not rule out this response either. There really will be people who are interested in working in the company. The drawback is that it is very difficult to know. Hence, we can investigate with more questions about what he tells us to deepen.

What are your main negative points?

It has become clear that, first of all, we should try to avoid the questions that candidates may have easily prepared. This is a final example of what not to ask in a personal interview, since the most common response will be related to an excessive perfectionism or too much demand with work. That is to say, that we will only give the employee another opportunity to praise himself, although in a somewhat more subtle way.

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Thank you friend, this is all for today I hope to see you in my next publication.

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