Parental Alienation...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A topic you don’t hear much about until it affects your life; drowns you in intoxicating sadness. “How can a parent do this to their child?” most would ask. The other half are persuaded by the mothers lies about abuse and neglect.

In court the mother uses these same lies to persuade the judge to give her full custody, while having a free lawyer lie for her on paper to make it “legit” and evidence based. The loving father is then stuck with “visitation” to be monitored and all his actions are written down like he’s a damn criminal.

The poor child may have no idea why daddy suddenly left and develops mental instabilities; or the child is lied to by the mother to believe that dad is a piece of shit no matter how his demeanor is towards the child.

The mother then uses these behaviors as a reason to further keep the father away, causing tension on the once loving bond between father and child.

The father fights and fights and fights and no matter how big his army is behind him, still loses time with his child. The child still losing memories with their father.

The mom moves away making it even more hard for the father to see his children. She meets a new man who soon plays “daddy”. Although this new man has a violent record himself, he is seen as a hero for “stepping up” when the biological father has “stepped down” or more so been pushed away.

The emotions rage within the father’s family. Questions like “When are the games going to end? When are we going to see child again? Why is she doing this?” arise. Unanswered questions. Half brothers and sisters go without knowing a sibling. Christmases, birthdays, and milestones are missed, forever.

Father suicide rates rise everyday due to parental alienation. Children end up doing drugs, starting families too early, incarcerated all because they didn’t know dad truly cares and tries.

Spiteful ex’s get away with perjury, child abuse and neglect.
The system is too flawed to see the issues associated with “sole custody” because to them it’s just another statistic and more money from the federal government to the state.

It is so important to me to raise awareness to this issue. If you have been kept from your children for any period of time find me active on “The Father’s Rights Movement” Facebook page and send me a message. My name is Jamie and I am here to lend an ear to any father in need of someone to talk to.

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