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RE: You Mean To Say I Can Get Paid To Be An Artist Without Having To Charge Anyone A Fee? That's Brilliant!

in #steemit6 years ago

This is the most inspiring article I have read here for a while. The potential for content creators is huge, and you have articulated that so well. This sort of post is much needed with the current price situation to remind us all of what can come here, if we all collectively "get it right". Between the possibilities you have outlined, and some of the dApps currently building, or those yet to come, this place could become huge. The best thing is that talented people can do big things here, but there is also a place for the rest of us to do well without "talent".

Thanks for this post, resteemed and !tip


Collectively is key and yes, there's a place for everyone. These days, that's hard to see, with so many working against each other but I do hope, eventually, people figure this out. For now, all we can do is at least look where we should be going instead of walking around with our heads down, bumping into each other. So much potential here and much of it seems to be going unnoticed (like my post so far! LOL!).

Thank you for the tip! I don't get many of those.

No worries, my vote isn't worth much yet but I like to recognize "good" when I can. Of all the crypto projects I honestly think that STEEM has the best potential for mass adoption of all. SMTs will be a game changer- if they are done right. I thought a few months ago that I was late to the party here, but now I can see the party has not even begun yet.

Posted using Partiko Android

If they're done right is the part that concerns me most. I'm hoping what Bitcoin is to STEEM, STEEM is to SMT's, then hopefully STEEM breaks away from Bitcoin. It sucks how Bitcoin drops and STEEM follows. It doesn't need to be like that if we move away from only being a cryptocurrency and moving more into the entertainment world.

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