My First Week on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

I joined Steemit on the 25th of September excited by what Steemit seemed to offer. Having stumbled across Steemit via DTube while researching IPFS decentralised internet technology; I couldn't wait to start interacting with the community.

After leaving a few comments on posts made by others, up voting some articles I found interest and just generally exploring Steemit; I decided to write an "introduceyourself" post. Much to my surprise, I received quite a number of comments.

I discovered how to find these comments the next day (26/9) and went to reply to these comments, to only receive an error. Confused, I continued to explore. I found an article I liked and try to up vote it. Same error. Soon I learned that Steemit had experienced an update of kinds called a Hardfork, which I'm still yet to fully understand. It appeared that I wasn't the only one having issues after a short Google search lead me to the Reddit and Facebook pages full of people complaining their world was over and they were nothing without Steemit. Others were quite angry.

Eventually, I found posts made by the site admin (?) which reassured everyone that things would be back to normal very soon. It wasn't long before I discovered and found my resource credits etc. I decided on the 27/9 to attempt to write some content offline ready for when things came back online. However, I'm currently not very proud of what I have created so far. I guess the writing ability will be like anything. With practice and repetition, it will improve.

Nice weather and the weekend brought distractions, so I didn't check on Steemit until today 1/10 where I can see things are a lot different regarding resource points. Turns out I've gone from an expected 3 comments a day to approximately 20 comments a day according to

Hopefully the change in resource points and the new system will make Steemit continue to grow. I look forward with optimism that I will enjoy this creative outlet and hopefully find some interesting content. I hope to learn a lot.



the cost to post and vote was absurdly high right after the hard fork, and there where issues even outside that (people carries a 'debt' forward from the old system to the new; I initally had somethingk like a 1.5 Quardillion RC debt... Things seem to have settled down a bit, and the cost of posts and votes is temporarily reduces to 1/10 of its initial cost... you joined at just the wrong time, lol.

Glad to see you stuck it out, and looking forward to your posts (particularly about amateur radio).

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