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RE: Impersonation commited on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

@lgfurmanczyk thank you for sharing about this because I think as Steemit grows this will only continue to be a greater challenge because the platform is based on being censorship resistant which also means more difficultly in stopping things like this. If we work together as you have done I think it will stay at an acceptable level as it seems to be now! For example, most of the trending page seems to be legit results and so far I at least have not seen any impersonator or scam or faker make a lot from Steemit without having their own investment.


Wow, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on the post. It's an honor to have you here. I care about the long-term health of steemit, and I know others do as well. Exposing this scammer isn't something I could do regularly as it took most of a day to do. If the number of scammers goes up faster than the people willing to expose them, then I'm afraid of what damage could be done to Steemit. I definitely like the idea of keeping Steemit open and censorship free as you said. Did you think the Public/Private account ID idea was too radical or could you see it being viable as a way to combat scammers who create a bunch of accounts?

As for now, I think you're right about the trending page being filled with legit results. I'm glad to see things are looking mostly healthy.

If I think about it deeply, the ultimate question I'm trying to ask here is: are volunteers alone enough to keep Steemit healthy if enough bad actors start attacking our community here?

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