sharing brings happiness. a small message of what I like about steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

The Steemit community helps me to share and learn , I relate to good people and know topics of interest in other countries, also me whole news, and learn more about the crypto currencies although I would like more a community to debate and opine topics, I see that current community that focuses more on making money, and of course ¿why not?, steemit can change lives.

I strive to write good articles like all of steemit user, always I try to write articles that are useful and truly serve for something, and i find posts i do not really understand what it says, it is incredible that a food recipe has more upvoteds that an article that gives the answer to the most important questions have we done

my contribution for a better steemit community

Recently I received a voluntary contribution from a friend 9.7 steem dollars, a very nice of gesture and thought that half of the contribution, that I can share with someone who truly need them and so encourage an environment of charisma, I know it's not much but I'm sharing and that makes me happy.

Why give more money to those who already have money?

this initiative seems good, since the aim of this social network is to provide incentives and reward those who publish articles, my upvoteds are impartial not discriminated by the number if (10) or (84) my vote carries no weight, but this creates a psychological effect in who wrote the article because it will be more inspired to write others articles.

if you want 4.85 Dollars steem.
responds as follows
you are altruistic?
what makes you happy ?
you'd be willing to give for others?


Hello all.

Please remove all downvotes. I chatted with jeison and he liked my concept of giving away part of his earnings.

I would encourage all downvoters, to remove the FLAGs!

the money he is giving away came from me to motivate him, and he decided to share it with others!

Winston's a friend of mine. Hes probably asleep, but i left him a message on our discord to let him know about this. (Thx again, i remember you)

The only reason I flagged it was because he wouldn't leave the @all tag alone in the chatroom. Asked once to stop, did it again 2 more times. But please don't use @all in chat again.

That's the only reason I flagged as well. He was told using the @all would result in flags but he chose to do it. He dared us to flag him and so we did.

I tried to remove the flag, but it's past its payout time now. I can't remove it. Sorry.

I did not know the rules of the group
I use google translator and the site does not translate so I did not understand

I love your post and your sentiment! I hope you find the right person. It's great seeing the desire to pay things forward.

thank you very much, I write what I do with my heart

Thanks for the offer that is nice of you. I'm sure someone will be happy to receive that. We need more positive people in a world full of negative ones.

now I wait for it to arrive

I got your back jeison

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