Wanna Know What Contribution On Steemit Looks Like? Here It Is

in #steemit6 years ago

For the past week, i have been preparing a presentation on “Educational Psychology” and since i had no background of the subject, I had to carry out most of the research on the internet..

Steemit Article Surfaces During My Hunt for Material

One fine morning (roughly 3 days ago) i decided to search the internet on “Benefits of Educational Psychology”, which was one of the topics in my presentation.. and what do you know... a steemit article was the third hit on google searches related to benefits of educational psychology, written by @mawardi



I was absolutely ecstatic to find a topic like this on steemit..

The Disappointment Factor

I was ready to contact Mr. Mawardi to tell him that how happy I am being a fellow steemian for the wonderful contribution that he had made to steem blockchain.. But then i saw a comment from cheetah Bot on that article..


And Lo and Behold, turns out that the article was indeed plagiarised.. and not from just any other site. It was plagiarsed from a site that is the first hit on google when you ask for “benefits of educational psychology”...

I Was Massively Disappointed

But there is a silver lining to all of this.

I set out to search for a topic on the internet and i found a related article on steemit (it was plagiarised though). So just like me, many of the internet users are searching for their topics of interest on google everyday.

It is quite possible that your articles written on certain subjects will turn up on google searches, which will make this platform a hub of information and it will also bring more users to this platform. this is what contribution looks like..

Do give time to your personal posts like “picture of the day” or “playing contests” etc but please take some time out to write a tutorial, a guide, a blog post on certain universal topics as well..

It will not only elevate your blog but also you’d be doing this platform a great service..

Thank you for reading..
best wishes


Indeed you feel glad to see your fellow steemians post on google search it attracts more user to this amazing community but at the same time it is a shameful act to eat the fruit of other by copy and plagiarism. We should make this community more amazing by sharing quality contents and useful tutorial so that masses will come here to join us. keep sharing @jbn

Right! I agree with your last lines. We should write daily at least one quality content.

If not daily, then at least weekly ... i think we owe it to the platform..

I love how you took the optimistic apporach, most people would just moan about how bad the plagarism on here is. If anything 'any publicity is good publicity'

Not really no.. when outside people visiting the blog find it plagiarised then they will not put their trust in this platform..

Yeah true I guess, some might but the smarter ones who we actually want on here and would stay for the long term will look elsewhere

Yup.. very much true

Exactly! Your last sentence is what I've been saying since. Steemit is supposed to be a place for quality, meaningful content first and foremost, before any other thing

Apprently our rants have been falling on deaf ears then..

Basically, education psychology is the branch of applied psychology which is developed to help not only students and teachers, but also other people like principals, administrators, policy makers, guide and counsellors, to know, deal and understand all the psychological aspects and situations and their affect which effects their teaching learning outcome in any concern.

Did you read the article??

Psychology is really interesting field and i have read it only one year in my education but i am really interested in most.

Did you read the article??

Sir i am just trying to tell about psychology and share my experience as i read for one year.

Ohh alright.. the post, however was not about psychology.. if you have studied psychology then i would request you to kindly take some time out to make few posts on subject. As you can see, alot of people out there are looking for information and your blog can provide them with some useful insights on the subject..

I am not english speaker sir i am student i donot have enough knowledge and donot have the ability to make a good quality contents. And really thanks to you sir for your good advice. Wish you good luck

THank you .. likewise :)

Its ok sir and happy to see your lovely comments ☺️

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