Weeding out the comments RUBBISH!

in #steemit7 years ago

“I had fired 9-millimeters before and didn't like them. they weren't as accurate as my .38 special. they weren't as safe, and they could jam. i had never been one to substitute quantity for quality, and there was no substitution for being informed and practiced” ― Patricia Cornwell

Weeding out the comments RUBBISH!


The other day I wrote a post about how I was struggling to continuously respond to every single person who comments on my blog posts and that I had made the decision to cut out the crap and focus solely on the ones which clearly come from a genuine place....

I also made remark of how implementing that would most likely cut my time spent commenting by about 50%. Well, I was wrong!!! It cut down the time I spend commenting by about 90% lol!

Yeah.... true (sad) story!!

As I have also mentioned previously, I was always adamant that I would respond to each and every person, no matter what... but to be honest, I am quite liking this new "entertain no crap" approach.... because it really DOES free up so much time and voting power that was LITERALLY being SQUANDERED!

So yes, it is a definite NO to spam comments from me.... and I used this GIF the other day too, but it was really such an accurate visual depiction of how I feel about this, that I am going to use it again lol....


yip, that definitely sums it up!

But seriously...

(no, I am not about to break into a Phil Collins track lol)


Actually... are they even thinking at all?
Me thinks not!

I mean, I will do a podcast and get comments like...

this song is beautiful
your photography makes me happy
or even better
your blog makes me happy
or yeeeah....
nice song, beautiful voice

oh come on!!!!!


Do these people think that I don't actually KNOW what I have published
and that I would be all like.... yes, my voice is an amazing photo?!


Aint nobody got time for that shite!

What could YOU (yes, you know who you are)
POSSIBLY think you were going to gain from making such comments that do nothing other than expose that A) you have absolutely NO idea what you are commenting on and B) that you will pretty much do ANYTHING for the possibility of attention in the form of SBD.

You do realise that some of us have BRAINS right?!
And the chances of getting an upvote for such bolony... is well....

I am of the opinion that there is simply
WAY too much...

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floating around the Steemit platform
(pun intended LOL!!!)
Not only from the comments aspect of things,
but in post creation too.

So, WHY for the love of green apples are we not doing more to get RID of this shite!!!!! It is spoiling the experience for EVERYONE! It is watering down all the amazing content that is out there!

Have you visited the NEW feed lately....

Well, WOW! It is a ratio of like 20 : 1
20 posts of utter CRAP and one of QUALITY
and sadly....
that "one"... gets completely LOST because it is in the minority!


Why are we not standing together as a community
and downvoting this rubbish so that we can eventually get rid of it!

As citizens in the real world...
(you know... that one with actual people and trees and stuff)
if something does not suit us, we speak out...
We make an effort for change,
rally together and create the change we wish to see,
or at the very least, make the effort.

This is not happening on Steemit.... WHY?!!!!!!

aaaah... because people are cowards!

Yeah, you read that right! - and you were thinking it!

"The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of y'all and I don't gotta be false or sugar coat it at all
I just get on the mic and spit it, and whether you like to admit it."

Thanks Eminem ;)

I have digressed.... lol

but you get my point....


Let's WEED OUT THE CRAP shall we!

I'll vote for that!


Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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I swear jaynie you had me in stitches.So bad your hurting my hernia🤣🤣.It is sooo true.The worst thing are the utter tripe and because of this good content does not get a look in Espec when you put alot of effort in and you get like 2 upvotes ( you wont suffer from this😂).This is coming from a newbie.One guy commented on my post.I said thank you.Then he twice commented too upvote a post about a mobile phone spec.Boooy it riled me up royally.Oh jaynie your post has started me off my blood pressures creeping.lol.Also what annoys me when you made effort to comment on someones post and they just leave it.I am not talking about the rubbish ( great post) talking about detailed heartfelt message.Girrrl we got weeding to do.In all fairness I will leave the weeds for now as its making my garden look full otherwise I would have nothing left.😂😂😂😂😂Rant over we ent got no time for that!

hahaha we do indeed have some weeding to do :)

Reminds me of one of the first people I followed on here. He was talking about moving his family out of the city (he lived in another country) but the house he could afford sat where water ran down from the mountains. He said the floors in the house were not that level and there was a basement they could use as a studio. I go into this long post about how the water was probably attributed to the floors not being level and asked if he looked into cracks in the foundation because if they were going to use the basement a lot he should water could pour through the cracks and since they were planning on using the basement so much to check for radon gas. He commented back he never heard of that and wanted to know more. I went on about you could also look online because some area's are mapped out as having high concentrations of radon gas in the earth below, etc, etc,...and not a penny earned for even caring about someone! That was really disheartening to say the least but it didn't take long for that blog-ship to deteriorate after he ran a contest, laid out the rules, then went outside the rules to pick a winner that would have been to his benefit gaining new followers. I unfollowed him and never looked back. He was a total drain of my time.

How annoying is that @sunlit7.It is not even the monetary aspect.It is time.Time is more precious to me then gold.With my kids I barely get chance to myself.So in my spare time I put effort in comments I have made.When they are not apprecited it does get to me.Like i commented on this whales post.It was a nice post.The person commented back but did not upvote me.But upvoted themselves on their own comment.But i noticed thats all they did.Everyone would comment.not a single upvote they would reply and upvote themselves earning alot.Everyone has there own agenda.I am just posting my blogs and hope people try my recipes.Well the main thing atleast you unfollowed the individual.Clearly it was a very selfish connection.You seemed to have spent alot of time ( gold) on them.I bet in future it has made you more weary and vigilant.lol.But we will all see what are individuals driving force on here.You just carry on doing the best you can.I believe thats how you make genuine connections!👍🏼👌❤

Another thing that annoys me is when someone (more than likely a whale because of the amount upvoted) goes down a thread and gives out thirty, forty cents and because you had a different view then they or other people commenting did they give you a couple cents or nothing at all. You'd think that they'd realize that the biggest problem with Steamit and a lack of comments is because there is no debate and debate is not encouraged just going with the flow is. So they really just want to put out a post for the money and be done with it.

I seriously couldn't agree more! The worst part was when you seriously contributed all your effort in writing something, all they care was an upvote for an upvote. That really makes me feel depressed & disappointed. I feel like all my effort just buried underground, all people see was the shallow surface. A constructive feedback beats a thousand spams if that makes sense. I sincerely hope they will be aware of their actions and contribute something good to this platform, don't abuse it!

I could not have said it better @explorernations!!!

Have you seen the ones that say you upvote my post and I will give you ten upvotes in return?.....lol.

gret song bro

luv u voice

plz uvote an follw


and dont forget to up my vote lol

:D "bro"
yeah spammerZ be like gender-non-specific LMAO

I'm pretty sure spammers even call their mother, "bro." 😂

We as "senior members" can certainly alter behavior of the tiny fish by our reward systems. I have done this a bit, but not Nearly Enough! Like my 'Bot said, I'm spread thin and don't have the time to engage spammerZ... I love the SPAM-BLAM Shotgun GIF :D

hahahaha @underground - yes, the SPAM-BLAM gun was my favourite part too lol... and you know, there is still too much crap going on - I mean its taken me 3 days to reply to you... HAHAHAHAHA!!! But yes, I completely agree... I do think we should start doing more to eliminate the rubbish!

Saw this on a re-steem, sadly the voting time is over but I did give a re-steem as well, and I will grab it again with my main account as this is my community bot.
I purposely spread myself thin, for greater coverage. I have the boot camp which is a sort of "minnow school" and it has 2 bots to help curate "the kids" ;)
I started using your method, subconsciously. But not enough! I need that 90% time freed up. I also need to IGNORE the "cute spam" also. Most of it (or ALL) is recycled anyway. They use a trite response that they see has gotten traction elsewhere. Still just spammy, lazy, and SH!TTY Commentary :-( Here's what I do sometimes, if it does not quite deserve my flag:
But that takes effort too, more than ost of these are worth. I usually save that for newbs that might be worth saving ;)
CHEERS, Jaynie! I need to follow MORE CLOSELY and it would be great to have a person of your Caliber ;) in the Boot Camp. As a Drill Sergeant :D
PS: as for the 38 Special vs the 9mm comment, that is user preference and as far as reliability goes, modern CC 9mm handguns are right up there. IDK if that was given as an example of SPAM or what, but my main account @underground has a few firearms related posts and he prefers

10MM AUTO ;)

do tell me more about this bootcamp.... :)

So Sorry, I said you would make a FINE Drill Sergeant, but YOU are Mos Def OFFICER MATERIAL ;)
You've been doing it for so long!

hahahahaha well thanks for the compliment ;) My brothers and father would be proud hehe :D

We are pretty new, it is a place to help them from the fractional starting SP up to 1000 SP... Then we have plans for a "Dolphin Boot Camp", but that is later, MUCH Later lol
The MBC as we call it for short, is motivated by 2 bots: @minnowbootcamp, and the entry level folks all start in @mbc-meps which is MBC of course, and MEPS is what they call "intake" in the military in the US... (Military Entrance Processing Stations) So I am calling it the MINNOW Entry Processing Station bot and it gets them started in the processes of working the discord channels and the bots. The posting requirements are minimal, and in fact they can just "Hang Out" in MEPS and visit, use the discord and more importantly for some, the Post Promo channel. Once they start to get Serious, the MEPS-Advanced Ladder is started. They start working the classroom stuff, and getting points for the Boot Camp Entry. We can house up to 500 in MEPS and 100 in Boot Camp! Really 500 total, as most or all will stay in MEPS(bot) rolls once they are in Boot. They get upvotes from the bots and bonus votes are given as prizes, incentives and awards. Running a contest now that the "big winner" will get 100% upvotes from all 3 of my accounts and 2nd place gets 2, 3rd is one...
It is a WIP but we are slowly getting the structure finished and gaining members. I suspect we can fill the 500 slots, but @thealliance is just over 200 members (last I heard) and it is all business, so I expect we can have 100 in "Boot Camp" and another 200 prepping and at least the rest of the slots will be available, but probably close to full, we shall see!
The bots are mostly fueled with the tiny votes, and DELI. I have myself spread pretty thin, My Dolphin DELI is mostly in the bots. But I take outside DELI from DELI-Gators. Seeking some Whale Support, but that takes time. Most of them like to see a track record and we are establishing that right now! :D
Thanks for the interest, and your INPUT is WELCOME! My Main Officer for the 'Camp is one of your peeps, she speaks highly of your STANDARDS and Materials! I gather that in part, her Steemit Persona is based on you and I appreciate your help ;)

hi @jaynie need some advice. do you mean it is okay to flag those comments? i mean i am just slightly more than 3 months here so I have not practised downvoting people. Is downvoting means flagging them?

You can report them through the link at the bottom of any @steemcleaners post. It takes you to their site where you can report many common problems. If we all do this - they will kill the person for us. I'm reporting than as I see them now and also seeing reps go down and some comments being hidden. This is much more effective than trying to do it yourself one-by-one.

Well you just earned a new follower. One thing about this site is the lack of informative comments. Most post might maybe have one to two good comments (then it's even questionable as to if you can reply to them, people generally want everyone to just agree with them) then the rest of the comments go downhill from there. I've been a blogger for about three years now so it's not just the time it takes to respond (which I don't have that problem a whole bunch since I am new) but the time it takes to read through them all, time is valuable whether you are getting paid for it or not as a blogger.

Absolutely @sunlit7 - its ALL about the time... I have so little of it as it is and I am getting REAL tired of wasting it on nonsesne. lol

Spammers! Watch out. Do not trespass. Violators would be shot, survivors would be shot again.
Well said dear. Everyone is battling with this. I know @swissclive frowns at it and few more others i know too. I see them on my posts, i just ignore them most times, and if i have time, i just reply. Some won't even read what you post and yet still give comments. I wonder how they know what to reply to.

I would go as far as to say that the percentage of people that DONT actually read our posts is rather sadly high!

ya. i gotta agree with @jaynie
some people just read one part, jumps to conclusion and goes straight to the comments. Like its so obvious that they didn't pay attention to all post. Sadly, i was one of the guilty ones especially in the wee hours like 1 or 2am... oh dear...I felt so bad but it does teach me a lesson or two. that was when i first started out in steemit.

We all make mistakes and yoir experience made you learn. Most people don't learn. It's annoying.

at least you learnt! lol ;)

Hahaha. Exactly. She's better for it.

I totally agree with that.

I hope that first comment was a joke. I'm all over the spammers that claim to have upvoted, but did not. Flagged and straight to Steemcleaners with them all! I do have to say though, your passion post inspired some interesting comments. 🤣

hahahaha!!!! I thought the same thing re. that comment but sadly... I highly doubt it LOL I have not gotten to the passion post comments yet.... working my way there lol

Ooooooo. Glad I was able to build the suspense without giving it away. Lol. :)

Lol. Many spammers comment just to get curie rewards. It's a nice approach to weed off and ignore comments that are really not genuine, especially for someone with a huge following like you. It's going to save you a lot of time and unnecessary stress.

it sure will!!! Thankfully :)

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