in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Rock Your World Announcement headers.jpg


"Excited" - is the understatement of the year,
when it comes to describing how much I am looking forward
to doing the next ROCK YOUR WORLD podcast!!


I love writing, and that has been been my building block
here on the Steemit platform...
which has been life changing for me - TRULY!

But, once I took the jump into the world of
I can honestly say, it is pretty much ALL I can think about!

(You know something is right when... lol!)
there is a physical yearning to do it again.
And I am LOVING that feeling!!!


In my business, my focus was ALWAYS
on making every visit to my premises,
an experience worth remembering for my customers...

and I would like to do the same thing with the


which I have recently started...

So... I thought I would

"put it to the people"


I would like to know from all of you...
which questions you would like to be featured first, second, third etc.
So, if you could give me an A,B,C, E, F, G.... indicator
in order of preference in the comments,
that would be AMAZING!!!

Ok, so here are the questions
which have been asked of me....

Let me know your order of preference
in the comments....

Question A) from @derekrichardson

I was curious how and when you first learned about Steemit? And what were your initial thoughts about it and how does it compare to how you see it today?


Question B) from @branlee87

besides your son, what motivates you? Gives you energy to do what you do? Gets you up in the morning to take on the day?


Question C) from @janique

what are your plans now in this new chapter of your life and what caused you to make such a big change in your life and how did you achieve that? Is the steemit platform a big part of your decision making and your future? I would also like to know how long after your divorce did you meet your now partner and how did you meet?Having gone through a divorce myself I often think how hard it will be to trust someone else and open my heart and life to them and that if my children.


Question D) from @herverisson

is there a podcaster, or a podcast in particular which really inspired you to make your own?


Question E) from @amarbir

when do you workout if you do? How do you have so much energy?


Question F) from @raymondspeaks

Why design? I've known a lot of designers in the past and it's not often something picked by women


Question G) from @raymondspeaks

I'd love to understand how you got to where you are today - as someone that was "off the rails" like me...intervention?
self taught?


In addition to this, if you have any questions for me,
which I can add to the alphabet queue lol...

If you are unfamiliar with the podcast concept,
you can familiarise yourself with my vision... HERE

Until next time...


Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


This is the order I'd be most interested in @jaynie: C, B, G, A, D, E, F 😊

YAY!!!! to someone who actually answered and commented with what I asked for LOL!!! Thanks @gillianpearce :) Much appreciated!!! xxx

You're welcome @jaynie. I find it quite disappointing how few people actually read what I write. It's not a lot often, sometimes just descriptions of the content of photos, a few paras but I can tell people haven't read it. 😢

Working hard to keep going at the moment but I suspect that's just how it goes when you're trying to get some traction here. Keep on keeping on. 😍

I can be VERY disheartening love... but you said it... "just keep going"... xxx

@herverisson 's question (D), because sometimes the secret is in who inspires us
congratulations that many podcats are coming.

@marpa - Thank you for the input hon!!! Appreciate it!

Wow, I am amazed at how organized and retentive you are. You were able to remember the whole of this questions


Hearing your voice adds a new dimension of connectiveness for me.

Cool accent.


hahaha Thanks @jaichai :)

нello @jaynie
You ѕнare мoтιvaтιonal poѕтѕ..ĸυdoѕ..woυld lιĸe тo joιn @steemitbloggers

Hi @vickyrich, Thank you for the interest in #steemitbloggers. At the moment, the community is closed to the public... but we will possibly be extending certain invitation in the near future. x

My order: C, G, B, D, A, E, F part because you and your story inspired...I'm announcing my coming podcast: Go Rogue!

Oooooh AWESOME!!!!! Congrats!! Cannot wait to hear it!!! :) Exciting stuffssss!!!!

Thanks for the feedback too :)

I think I need a cool accent too. 😉

hahahaha!!! Maybe you have one and you dont know it ;)

Little delay in launch...but should be out this week.

Hmmm, I'm thinking D, E, B, G, C, F, A would go together fairly smoothly. But I don't really know. lol. I can't wait to hear it in whatever order you think is good.

Thank you very much for your input. Much appreciated :)

I'd like to hear about what recharges you. What is your goto when you are feeling depleted?

Thank you for the input @borrowedearth xxx Much appreciated MWAH!

Oh geez. Ok, G - C - B - A - E - D - F. It's like musical notes. :)

hahahaha thanks @inalittlewhile.... Appreciate the feedback. Did you sing it out loud? LOL

Um. No way I'm hitting that high G. :)

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL ;)

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