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RE: Lily Da Vine's 7 Tips for Steemit Success

in #steemit7 years ago

This was a really amazing and useful post which i hope MANY read!! There is so much rubbish floating around and the whole upvote for upvote concept is just ridiculous. I could not agree with you more. Operating like that is never going to build sustainable engagement between you and your followers.

I see no sense in being followed by hundreds of people who have no interest or even idea in what i am writing about. I have only been here for a couple of months but learnt very quickly how to best operate in this sphere and my focus is on helping people, inspiring and motivating them as well as having fun while doing it.

Steemit is a great community of people if you build your circle right. I suppose there will always be a certain degree of rubbish but i do my best to excercise pretty much everything which you have outlined in your post.

It is absolutely worth the read... especially for beginners. Very valuable input. Hats off to you!! And thank you.



Hey thanks! It sounds like you're steeming right so you'll probably have a lot of fun here. This one was born partially in annoyance. I used to get excited for comments, now more often than not I roll my eyes. I will say though, after posting this, the majority of my comments this morning have been more like this and less like that. We shall see how long it lasts. Maybe I'll just start sharing this post to everyone who comments like that. Could be a good way to handle it... :)

Absolutely! Although.... having said that... for the most part - people DON'T read!!!! (seems a little ironic really in a space like this. lol) But you don't know if you don't try :)

I am of the opinion that we should take with us what we will and leave the rest... I suppose the same principle can be applied when it comes to the comments received :)

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