What's Really Karma?

in #steemit7 years ago

This Topic may seen pretty controversial, but honestly is really not. It's very simple, you get what you've given and if you're lucky, you get to watch what others have received.

Me like all of you have been betrayed and cheated many times of our lives. It does hurt when someone turns your life around in a way that it's hard to get up and move forward. Believe me, I've been there badly.

I have a clear experience where I've walked away, moved on and able to see the storm coming for others and for myself (Like all of us). It is impressive sometimes to see how Karma pays, whether is for the positive or the negative. It is always important to be grounded with Earth in order to avoid a bad karma for ourselves because we can all lose our heads in those times.

For the most part, we all try the best possible for ourselves and if you are kind for others as well. I've found out that if a situation has not solution, you have to stop feeding the negative energy in it. Any time you provide negative vibrations in your body, that is the reaction that will be your own karma in the future.

"Just don't wish bad for others and treat everyone the way you would like to be treated". Att. JavyBar

You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday.

Stay blessed.



It is your way of living, what comes to you is what you created :)

Love this post! I am so in tuned with energy and have been since a young child. Energy is a powerful source! I am read The Celestine Prophecy right now, ever read it? Amazing book that is connecting with me so well. All about energy.

100% upvote for this fantastic post!

I have not read it yet, but now I will lol. Yes this is a very passionate topic that many don't even realize that is working all the time in people's lives. Thank you!

It 's a very controversial and important topic. I had a simple idea about it but now I'm more sorry. Thank you for sharing

Thanks for the good thought, I like your version most"Just don't wish bad..... ".Yes friend you are so good person, to make the people good and loving in every way. Wish you a very happy and beautiful time ahead my dear friend.

Thank you my dear

The question you asked in the topic you answered perfectly in the comment section! The Lord Buddha's vision is mainly based on The Karma! So, I little know about it well! But here you explained it further well! Excellent article friend! Very useful and valuable content for the people who wish to have a great life!


thank you very much my friend. This information can make everyone's lives easier throughout time .

This is a great,
I upvoted you as a witness :) good luck!

following you

Great thought.

"Just don't wish bad for others and treat everyone the way you would like to be treated". Att. JavyBar

If you want respect ,then first give respect.if someone follow this rule then he doesn't need to ask for respect because what goes around comes around ,very well said.
Nice share.

wow very nice analysis my friend! Anything you say and do will come back to all of us in any way possible,

This is What's Really Karma is.

Great post! It is simply connected to our life journey. Our (karma) decides our future and the result which we have to pay. Mahabharata is a great example in this world. At the time of Mahabharata (lord krishna) said "As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action". Thanks my friend @javybar for sharing this post. 💚💚

Very nice explanation. Thank you for sharing your wisdom as well :)

You're most welcome! @javybar.

nice to see some good thinking in ur article i see in my life negative thinking people not rise up in life and not make a good level in world bcz they having bad wishes in thier own minds and god make wrong way for only him always if we think some good for others god blessed u and make u more joys and happines in ur life try to do good for everyone u return also good javybar

Thank you very much! I appreciate it a lot. Anything I can provide to the world is important.

yes this is true. and the most important thing is that what you do you will get the same results.

As you bow so shell you reap.

you got it! yes it is very important for a great positive attraction in the future.

Indeed. you are the one to make a change... it's like the art of attraction.

You are exactly correct :)

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