Small Things In A Great Way

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello everyone,

Life gives us a lot of challenges that we end up thinking we can't do great things like others do. This image gives us a little lesson that we can never forget:


Even if we think the mountain is to big for us, we can still move it little by little. Huge things have come out from small actions everyday, so do small things in a great way instead.

It will help you to feel you are advancing if you start small and end up building great things along the way in every aspect of life, not only financially. Hope you guys like the message in order to move on and advance.

"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of soul instead".

Stay blessed.


One of the biggest issues why people fail to do anything or even if they try, they fail is that they copy others. This:

Life gives us a lot of challenges that we end up thinking we can't do great things like others do.

Personality starts where comparison ends.

We all are special and different. Humans have been divided into 16 types as per MBTI test. This is one of the most accepted test on human personalities and can help you know who exactly you and people around you are. Once you start understanding this in detail, you would be able to start giving space to others. In my humble opinion, this can be the start point for a great world because then everyone would be doing the things what they are made for.

What's your say on it @javybar? You input would be valuable for me.

Steem On!

Excellent reflexion my friend. We all have gifts and blessings we were born with. We are all the same but unique in image. We can do anything that our mind is able to comprehend to manifest it through matter. I think we are all capable to embrace everything we have to be and do great.

wow this is a great advance dear and you a talented writer i like your write
and last i #resteem your post

thank you!!

great information sir upvoted and resteemed

thank you!

@javybar i share that message " if you can't do great things, do small things in a great way" i'm gonna use it on my whatsapp so powerful message.

Great to know that! It is a powerful message :)

"God has appointed you on the earth with a divine assignment - something that has been prepared for you - things that make us sad, things that make us religiously angry or others we care about are not often seen That is the key to our cause of living. It is our burden. " Craig Grossel
stay blessed
i hope you visiting my blog.thanks
upvoted and resteem

very nice content, thank you!

Actually this is a life changing article! Yeah I got some bad experience about start things big and lost eventually! But if I did like this quote, yeah I might be ended as a millionaire! Anyway this is a great advice and thanks for sharing this with us bro!


thank you, the content is really life changing to be honest. I'm glad this touched you in a great way.

When we start with small. It will become huge a day. that's why there is a saying "The ocean is made from drop-down".
The way you choose to do things can make you great.


Make a impact with work and leave a legacy behind :)

this is awesome :)

Small things often turning into big great things. This is a very important message for people not to get discouraged. Thanks @javybar!

You're totally right! thank you

Great message :) If you do a little everyday, it will build up to something big :D

I can't agree with you more. a little everyday can make a whole difference.

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