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RE: New Content Flagging System With Feedback

in #steemit8 years ago

I think you have a great idea. I was formulating something simular in my mind to deal with this problem of down votes. The only two things I would suggest is 1) Eliminate the "Other" - reason should be very clear. This is an accusation after all. category 2) To the user name of the flagger should also be captured. Think about it like one facing there accuser in a court. The accuser should be responsible for his flag, and the flag should have clear perimeters. Again, I think you model is almost perfect for flag functioning to denote violation. Others feel that flags (or down-votes) should be as a tool help to derive consensus. I think this is a grave mistake. I will address why and how we can active consensus without down-votes/flags in another post on this blog.


I meant for the other box to have something that you would have to fill in the textbox yourself if it didn't fall into one of those categories above it.

Could you clarify what you are saying in #2? Like give an example of what you mean? I think I know what you are saying, but want to make sure I have it right before I respond.


Hi @bendjmiller222, My thought is that the "Other" box should be eliminated and only list clear defined violations that are in accordance with Steemit rules (hopefully we will have this documented soon). The "other" option leaves room for interpretation. Which can leave the process open to personality wars. That said, the "rules" should be a living document and a process in place were the community can continually be reaching consensus about definition of violations, adding/ removing violation types etc.

Regarding your questions about #2. I simply think that it is essential to that the user name of the person(s) doing the flagging also be captured. I being held responsible for making charges (flagging) is also an important part of the process and control. That said, I do notice that the 2nd photo on your blog post, in addition to the violation list shows a list of users, so maybe you are already in agreement with this.

Thanks for your interest in my ideas on this subject. I hope we can all work together to improve the most important process.

Yes I very much appreciate the thought everyone has inputted into this. If the developers decide this is a good idea, then they now have our entire conversation to draw off of and propose a post to all users to weigh in on.

I'm torn about the "other box" I see that there may be something that doesn't fit the defined categories, but would also be ok with removing it if others felt as you do. Either way it would bring a great deal of clarity to the moderation/downvoting system.

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