(IJCH) Upvotes, Followers and the Entitlement Mentality (Major Props to @jonesteemit)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


(IJCH) Upvotes, Followers and the Entitlement Mentality (Major Props to @jonesteemit)

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (meaning: My warped, personal opinions and musings.)

From the Author


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, it's always nice to meet a fellow Steemian.


Today I read an excellent post by @jonesteemit.



Then I posted this comment/reply to @jonesteemit:


Great message.

Salutations. JaiChai here.

And I hope you and yours are well and loving life today.

RE: Your Post

Yesterday I had to deal with what I would describe as "begging" here on Steemit.

A reader appeared to be begging for/demanding an upvote and a reciprocal follow without contributing at all to the discussion.

Since I am still very new on Steemit and this was the first time for me to be exposed to a situation like this, I must confess that I felt rather uncomfortable.

So, without being cruel or arrogant, I decided to treat it as a naive Noob faux pas or simply an innocent cultural misunderstanding.

Or maybe it was a common linguistic miscommunication?


I decided to put on my benevolent mentor hat and replied with this:


I am following you for now.

Don't let me down, ok?

Just create and post quality content and I will upvote you.

Although I think I understand what you are trying to communicate, many others will not.

Most Westerners dislike situations when someone appears to be asking for something that is not earned.

For example, attempting to gain upvotes and followers through coercion, social manipulation, appeals to philanthropy etc. - instead of earning them.

How do you earn them?

How do you get others to willingly reward you with an upvote and a follow?

By submitting quality posts, posting meaningful comments to other authors' posts; or by posting meaningful contributions on the comment stream.

Otherwise, many people , myself included, will get annoyed and avoid anyone that exhibits the "entitlement mentality" - the belief that one deserves something that one did not legitimately earn.

Some may become more than perturbed at the behavior of those with the "entitlement mentality" and even get hostile.

But I feel that you do not harbor this "entitlement mentality" and just need more experience.

Hopefully, I am right about that feeling.



Why don't you end your comments with "upvoted and following" - or "continuing to follow"?

Try it out.

I predict you will get more upvotes, followers and if you're lucky, make some new online friends.

Never forget that Steemit is a social media platform. And in my humble opinion, the best. So, if you want to be successful, BE SOCIAL.

Good luck.

Namaste (I recognize the divine in you, my friend),


(End of reply)

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To: @jonesteemit and my fellow Steemians,

How did I do?

What do you think about the reply that I crafted?

Was it assertive, yet appropriate?

What do the more seasoned Steemians like you do when confronted with this scenario?

I'm totally open to suggestions, my friends.



Well, guess what happened next?

Not five minutes after posting that reply to that wayward, but demanding reader, I got another one!

And that one effectively raised the bar for rudeness and ignorance!

Imagine that?


(Heavy Sigh)



(End of comment/reply to @jonesteemit)

Many thanks for reading my post. And if you enjoyed it, please: Upvote, Follow, Comment and Resteem.

- JaiChai "My mind was a terrible thing to waste..."


About the Author

He is a retired U.S. Military veteran. Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic. In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he freefall parachuted out of airplanes and performed diving ops in very deep, open ocean water.

He spends his days on an island paradise with his teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

Parting Shot -

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" Upvotes! Followers! Upvotes! Followers! They're mine, all mine!"


Robert Frost : Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.


Love that quote.




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