Three Questions I Ask Myself Before Posting On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a bondless social network, so it is easy to find thoughts of individuals here. This is both good and bad, because it would be unwise to post what one would regret posting later. Despite anything can be posted on the blockchain, one should think carefully before posting and limit oneself. There has been several complaints on Steemit about some individuals raping the rewards pool, but with deep thoughts before posting such situations can be avoided.


Creating a brand on Steemit, one has to consider the quality of posts made. There are individuals that post once in a while, but once they post, you see so many persons heading to their blogs to read their articles. What truly matters on this platform is quality and not quantity. Here are three questions I ask myself:

Image Credit: MeOpinion

Does this post show my opinion?

Sometimes when writing, I ask myself this question. I do not want to write on topics that does not show my opinions. I think it is better to post about things that interest me, so I can attract like-minded steemians. On Steemit, it is easy to find articles with tags, so I think about the right tags for the post. I'm currently thinking which tag I should place this write up, since it's just my opinion.

Image Credit: Citizen TV

If I see this post in a year's time, will I be proud of it?

I think about this question a lot too. I wouldn't want to post something I would be ashamed of later on. But sometimes due to imperfections, one can make a mistake. So I consider the question thoroughly. After thinking about the question, I proceed to post if the answer is a yes. If it is not, I just delete the draft. I am sure no one would want to do something he/she may regret later. "What is posted on the blockchain stays on the blockchain - even when deleted" I think many new users do not know this. So when thinking about posting NSFW contents, think about this.

Image Credit: Coffee And Design

What value does this add to Steemit?

As an individual once told me, a writeup should either be to educate or to entertain. It could even be both. So when I post, I try to be educative as much as possible, other times I just share my experiences which could be entertaining. Long-term value is what matters post. There are some articles even after a year, it is to gold to the reader. Steemit has been a knowledge bank for me. So why shouldn't I add to that bank?

What do you think about before posting?



I feel you and I think the same way when making my posts. Not that they should be educational (although I would like that, but that's just not my thing), but they have to be nice to look at and attractive to read.
Post value depends on the reader. An educational post, as you said, can be good to read even years later, but you can add value even with some emotional posts.

Great post anyways!

Absolutely, I agree with you. A little bit of emotion will do just fine.

This is a great article. I'm new on Steemit and I found some useful informations here! Thank you.

Olivia D.

Don't you think it's impossible to read the above article in two minutes? :/
You don't have to reply though. Just think about it. :)

Good one.
Preety sure she didn't get past the title.

The article actually has some good points but I see mostly junk on the trending page.
And I don't think it's because the users who post it are stupid. Not all at least.

I think smart people can turn to post junk because it pays.
And there we go. Another facebook junkyard with incentivized junk disposal rewards.
Meet humanity, right?

You couldn't be more right.
All I see in the trending page are a bunch of garbage, at least most of the time. Hopefully, someday the tide would be turned and good authors together with quality contents would get the support and visibility they deserve.

These are some good questions to ask yourself before posting stuff. not just on steemit but on other social media. it even applies to life to, people do some things without thinking of the effects in future. great post

Nice questions for all steemians

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