What Does It Mean To Lose A Community?

in #steemit2 years ago

What Does It Mean To Lose A Community?


H‍ello Steemit.

Culturally speaking, the 21st century has been dubbed the “age of loneliness.” In an age when technology bridges distances, many find themselves more alone than ever. While it is true that historically speaking we have never been more connected - with websites like Facebook and Instagram making it possible to connect with people on the other side of the world in mere seconds - there is also a growing sense that we are less connected than ever before. During this time, the word “community” has taken on new meaning. Nowadays, communities aren’t just places where people live; they are much broader than that. We use “community” to refer to groups of people who share similar interests or beliefs; we use it to talk about neighborhoods; and we even use it to refer to economic sectors in general.

Since so much of our society revolves around community these days, you might be wondering: What does it mean to lose a community? And what can you do if your community is at risk of disappearing? These are some important things to keep in mind.

What Does It Mean To Lose A Community?

A community can be any group of people who interact with each other. There are communities of all kinds, and they can be found everywhere. But when a community is lost, it is gone forever. Communities can be thought of as ecosystems that include the people in them, the things they do, and the places where they do them.

The loss of a community can mean that people lose the things that they do together. Take a sports team, for example. If the team disbands, everyone who was involved in it loses the ability to play the sport together. A community can also lose the places where its members gather. For example, a church that is demolished because of a natural disaster or by an evil human being has lost the building where its members worshipped together.

Why Do Communities Disappear?

Communities can disappear for many reasons. Natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, and fires can wipe them out. They can be wiped out by human actions, too. Communities can lose the ability to exist when the members of them move away. This can happen because of economic reasons such as poverty or job loss, or it can happen because of social reasons such as racism and discrimination.

Communities can also disappear because they are replaced by other types of communities. A good example of this is what happened to the Irish communities in Manhattan and other cities in the mid-1800s. Irish immigrants came to the United States to escape poverty and hunger back in Ireland. Once in America, they formed Irish communities in the large cities of the East Coast. When the Irish became part of mainstream American communities, the Irish communities began to disappear.

Where Do Communities Go When They’re Lost?

Communities don’t just disappear. Instead, the people who form them go on to form other communities. Take a sports team, for example. When that team breaks up, everyone who was on it goes on to form other teams. For example, when a sports team is being formed, there is a lot of discussion.

People talk about what the team wants to do, and they make rules for the team. The team that they form will be part of a larger sports league. The members of the team will also form friendships and other relationships through the team.

Strategies For Maintaining Community

If your community is in danger of disappearing, you may be able to do something to stop this from happening. Here are a few ways you can keep your community together.

Keep traditions alive. One way to keep your community together is to keep the traditions in your community alive. For example, if your family has been making a special kind of dessert for generations, you can pass this recipe on to your children and grandchildren. Or if the members of your sports team always wore a certain kind of socks or T-shirts, you can make sure that the younger members of your team continue this tradition. Keep traditions alive, but mix in some new ones. You can also change some of the traditions in your community. For example, if you have been having family game nights once a week, and your kids are getting older, you can change this to once a month. Or if the members of your sports team have always worn the same socks, you can change some of these socks from time to time.

Keep the members of your community in touch with each other. People who are in a community often keep in touch with each other in many ways. They might talk to each other on the phone, send each other emails, or text each other using their cell phones. Keep the members of your community in touch with each other, but also make sure to keep them in touch with where they live.

This means that everyone should know who lives in the neighborhood and where they live. It also means that everyone should know where the neighborhood stores, churches, and schools are located. Keep the members of your community connected to the larger world. At the same time that you keep your community members in touch with each other, you should also make sure that they are connected to the larger world. This means that everyone should know what is going on in the rest of the country and, in some cases, the rest of the world.


A community is something that benefits everyone in it: people, the environment, and the economy.

A strong sense of community can transform society by bringing people together and helping them work towards a common goal. All communities have certain things in common: they bring people together; they have a shared history; they have shared experiences; and they have shared values.

Communities are important. They are places where people can come together and share experiences; they are places where people can feel safe and comfortable; and they are places where people can make new friends. In an increasingly globalized world, communities are likely to become more important than ever before. If you want to get the most out of life, it’s crucial that you take part in a community – whether that’s a sports team or a book club or any other type of group where you can meet new people!

What do you think?

Cheers :)

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