A Steemit Revolution: User Rating Contributing to Reward PayoutsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Money isn't everything... In fact some of the most evil men on earth are extremely wealthy... Why is this a problem for steemit? Well... steem "power" is most abundant upon to those with the most wealth. This is not logical... Content and overall goodness of heart is where true power comes from. Power of the living God.

I propose the idea of reputation and "user rating" contributing to payout...This will keep whales more on their toes... The super-rich shouldn't control our platform... The super-good-hearted should control the platform... I propose a steem revolution! Its about time I overthrow these whales with philosophy...Thats true "steem power"!!!!600-x-426-Cornerstone-Concept-VicZA-iStock-Thinkstock-147006028.jpg

It actually makes alot of sense... In terms of media, our media on steemit is bias for the upperclass... People that are "wealthy" are more likely to upvote content that promotes ideologies of the upperclass society... This isnt so much of a problem right now.. But when things start to get out of hand and corporate giants want to buy in...It could seriously hurt the philosophy of "steemit" and the want for "un-bias media"

Overall conclusion - rating should play a factor in "voice" and "payout" this will keep whales from over using "steem power" and give power back to some of the minnows... Some dolphins to.. This is really just a proposal of "checks and balances".... Its logical... TIME FOR A STEEM REVOLUTION. POWER TO THE USER. :D


I love it! Steemit is in its infancy, and the focus needs to be put on creating a strong user base in order to not only solidify Steemits place in the annals of those like FB (whom we'll eventually bring to ruin.) It needs to be fair, to stay pure, but this can't happen if the whales (very much akin to those of the fiat world most certainly) won't start spreading the wealth around, because without that Steemit doesn't grow. Then they all decide to buy out and it's game over. That much power shouldn't be in the hands just a few. That's not what blockchain tech or Steemit are about.

Wow no upvotes wonder why.

because you're not jesus

The Son Of Man does not know when he will return only the father himself knows.

Is that from Pulp Fiction?

Money isn't everything


I wish you had stopped there, because everything else seemed to be about money. ;)

Also, you use the words, "wealthy" and "rich" and saying they control the platform. What you're leaving out is, these people did not invest a lot of money into STEEM to become whales.

They put their time and effort into STEEM and mined and/or were witnesses early on, or they posted during the $1.7 million bootstrap phase. The vast majority of these people are neither "wealthy" or "rich".

They did earn rewards from mining, being a witness, posting, commenting and curating. I honestly don't know of anyone that actually put a lot of money into STEEM and can sit here and say they have made money from their investment.

It appears that you've created a scenario that doesn't exist here on Steemit and are portraying people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time and took advantage of what was offered as being something they are not.

The people with the largest stakes here earned it by helping to build up the system. The miners/witnesses have secured the most of those early contributors and the content creators the next most. Very few, maybe a handful, would I say were "wealthy" or "rich" before they came here last year and as well, there are very few that profited from being here early that can consider themselves wealthy or rich.

Most of what looked like "riches" for most has evaporated over time due to the time it takes to power down and the decline in price.

Also, just because someone has money doesn't mean they don't have a good heart, that's not a fair assessment. There are plenty of "whales", of which 99% are just people who made money contributing to this platform, who give not only their time but their money to others on this platform to help it grow.

Rage Edit : Also, the "wealth" you think you see here is imaginary. Let's all go cash out at the same time and see how "wealthy" we are. ;)

#ragereply #insidejoke #ihatehashtagsbutheresanotherone

Agreed 100 % with you. People with riches also have a good heart. What "Jesus" is saying, we need a better balance on the reward curve. More power to the minnows

Your not thinking ahead...like I said "right now this isnt that big of a problem"... But in the future it could be a very big problem. If steemit went mainstream... Mark Zuckerberg could literally buyout the platform and destroy it with nothing but his wealth... Logically speaking... The fact that "power" on this platform is only reliant on someones net worth is a large loop-hole to the platform. Imagine if the American Government weighed out votes the same way...With the 1% having most of the influence...Most of the money would then flow to that 1 % (Which it already does due to lobbying)... Like I said... Today it isnt that big of a problem but in the future it very well could be.

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