"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." George Bernard Shaw

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

So far to date I have written a few posts in which I have addressed some issues that can not be avoided. Meaning that they shall have to be addressed sooner or later. They can not be swept under the rug!

money quote1.jpg

Links to those posts are here:

STEEMIT.com , Variety Is The Spice Of Life
(Note: In the 2nd link post above is a link to the original post in which I first introduced/mentioned the topic at hand, which for the purpose of this post can serve as a background footnote.)

Again THE MOB mentality!

Every "Forum" of social networkers has resulted in there being mobs, unions, syndicates, people uniting in the hope to get to their goals faster, easier and basically as all humans have done in throughout the course of human history, united into groups that for one reason or another have common goals and views.

Nothing new.

In the Steemit Whitepaper this is addressed, using a metaphorical example, that does describe the true nature of these "mob" like unions (groupations as I like to call them!).

Here is the relevant citation:

".......The only “problem” with crab mentality is when people wrongly believe someone is
profiting at everyone else's expense.

The Story of the Crab Bucket

A man was walking along the beach and saw another man fishing in the
surf with a bait bucket beside him. As he drew closer, he saw that the bait
bucket had no lid and had live crabs inside.

"Why don't you cover your bait bucket so the crabs won't escape?", he

"You don't understand.", the man replied, "If there is one crab in the bucket
it would surely crawl out very quickly. However, when there are many
crabs in the bucket, if one tries to crawl up the side, the others grab hold
of it and pull it back down so that it will share the same fate as the rest of

So it is with people. If one tries to do something different, get better
grades, improve herself, escape her environment, or dream big dreams,
other people will try to drag her back down to share their fate.......

............The goal of building a community currency is to get more “crabs in the bucket”............."

Steemit has addressed the “mob” issue that I have mentioned in the past. Their approach is as listed above an approach which can to a certain degree lower the number of abusers out there.

But when the “mobs” take over, when the “number of users” uniting becomes a force which runs the show, an underground organization takes over. As in real life.
So what can happen as is happening in real life, the numbers shall matter!
So now I go back to my post from the other day:
“.....Maybe Steemit shall need to find a way to ensure that the “mobs” don’t take over. That the cultural aspect to some societies and their differences in morals do not affect the overall project as such......”
If this isn’t addressed they shall ruin it for everyone, as they have ruined it for everybody elsewhere.

Again, in a multicultural world that is difficult to address, or is it?
Why wouldn’t Steemit.com be a number of buckets full of crabs in the same store/fridge?
etc etc etc
This way the competition factor shall make the “mob” factor work in favour of Steemit.com and the value of all the Steem Dollars out there!
Leaving things the way they are now is limiting the number of users to those who can speak and understand English.
It is also leaving open the option of this social networking site having the same fate as the other s to date, where the value of the site is up there, but the overall goal wasn’t achieved and in the long term shares a similar future.
I won’t be addressing this topic again, as one of my buddies out there said to me yesterday “Jack, you have seen it all. If you think that there is a chance to make some money then I know that there is money to be made and I am onboard......”

I see the opportunity as do I see the dangers out there!


Really fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

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