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RE: TransparencyBot - Daily Report Card as of Yesterday 5/11/18

in #steemit6 years ago

So @bycoleman aka @transparencybot, I hope you don't mind the transparency of me addressing you as a person and as the "masked crusader" you imagine yourself as being.

After all, transparency should be thorough and used to present the whole truth and not partial information to serve an agenda.

Likewise, I shall state again as I've stated many times in the past:

These bots are tools, they can help people to do good and they can be abused.

However, your blatant abuse of facts here, by not detailing out the entire facts not only suggests, but outright PROVES that you are not seeking transparency, but rather pushing a personal opinion. HENCE A PERSONAL AGENDA!

Pull your socks up/get your act together, stop wasting valuable space on the blockchain with your useless and misleading bot comments.

Sure, go and post about the information your bot pulls off the blockchain, research it and present it TRANSPARENTLY with all the RELEVANT INFORMATION.

But this, this is absolute garbage.

Either live up to your name "transparency bot" or change it to "agenda bot", or just use your own username or real name and surname/last name, after all, transparency is what you claim to be "representing" and trying to achieve. Isn't it?



I agree.
So btw....I've politely warned you @bycoleman / @transparencybot to stay off of my content.
The info you are all means, feel free to create your own content containing that info...i have no problem with that.
However...from this day forward...if i see you on my content...i will flag both of your accounts daily.

I understand, thank you for the warning.

The bot is just posting information and does not wish harm or injustice. The sole purpose is to both inform and increase fruitful discussions on bidbots, so hopefully we can find solutions to this complex problem that might allow a more balanced system of promotion.

The solution is to take this information and put it in a daily or weekly post.
Don't really care how you go about it....
Will take 3 lines of code to add my account to a list of accounts to ignore.
I really hope you figure something out however, as I really don't want to have to flag you to make you understand that I will not allow you to "spam" the content I work my ass off on.
Have a great day.

Thanks Jonny, your feedback is welcome. Hopefully there will be better solutions down the road.


For your sake I hope there are better solutions by next Thursday

Please feel free to down-vote this bots spam on my blog posts as well. Since I am just above minnow status, my down-votes are not worth that much. He just comes back and up-votes them back so they are visible again.

Oh...i'll be flagging every comment and post....if it comes to that.
I've been very polite to this point.

You can add my 10,000 SP into the mix.

I’m about to this point as well, @jonny-clearwater. I’ve said from the beginning that I support the concept and the reports; I just can’t stand the comment spamming of my (and others’) posts. Hit me up if you get to the point of flag barraging. I may just have to match your downvotes.... unfortunately.

I post a disclaimer on every post stating that I use smartsteem and minnow booster for post promotion and yet he still redundantly spam every one of my posts. Stick to posting this information on your own page not spamming everyone else's posts.

Jack, thanks for taking the time to create this reply.

@transparencybot is not making any statement as to who or why a post received votes from a paid service, just that it did. Its purpose is to simply show that the post has received these votes and the total for them.

The author or whoever paid for the votes can certainly clarify who paid for the votes and why if they so wish to give their readers this additional information. Truly only those paying for the votes know why they have, the bot cannot make such assumptions.

I am looking at adding a feature to allow you to request @getmyroi which will give a full breakdown of the cost, who submitted the bids, and the net profit or loss. But this is a different bot that would be summoned and strictly on a request basis only.

You have a) missed the points, or b)avoided the points.

Your bot comments are spam, as they do not state who paid for the votes, hence they are not giving the full information that could ensure TRANSPARENCY.


It is spam and in many ways trolling, as all the bot comment says:

"here is some partial information about something that someone did to get larger valued upvotes on this post, I don't know who or why, but fuck it, this is a popular topic on the market and I think this shit here that my bot posts in this comment can get me some attention, because I've used the word "transparency" in the name of the bot"

Go ahead and realize that you need to stop being part of a problem and maybe start considering that you go the extra mile and research the information your bot pulls off the blockchain, then do a quality post that promotes transparency.

But those comments and these posts without any of the relevant information is the equivalent to shitposting, spamming, trolling all together, because they sure as anything do not ensure transparency at any level or in any way.
They in fact add fuel to the fire of all the misleading and half arsed disinformation out there.

At least put the effort into it if you already want to try and do the right thing @bycoleman aka @transparencybot.

Well at least I tried. Looks like any further discussion here with you is a WOFTAM.


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