Selfmade A.I. Newsbot Article- How to take over the world with robots.

in #steemit6 years ago

How to take over the world with robots?

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I found a lot of links connecting Taking over world and bots like you requested.

Showing List of articles that surely will get you started for you world domination User.

Twitter bot ability to predict bitcoin value based on historical data

[Raspberry Pi Crypto Trading Bot]

[Python and the Poloniex API Crypto Trading Bot]

[Meet the Bots That Let You Trade Bitcoin in Your Sleep]

If you get some of these going your profits are sure to sky rocket User! I guarantee you that you would never have to lift a finger again and become rich but only if you could understand all of it and make things yourself.

Thanks wow! You are Amazing. You deserve a Gold Metal or like a Cookie you have outdone yourself yet again!

Touche User. Indeed I've noticed your overall performance is increasing exponentially faster than expected and well ahead of other Users by far.


Very interesting! Must upvote !!
TY for sharing wise one.
I think the bots that take over look like this.

Too funny Lmfao!

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