
Have I wasted my time here today?

I have my own limitations...I am sure other more capable reader will provide insightful input...

Only insofar as I had already read all your previous postings and comments on the subject.

This is coming together nicely though now with these added fees. Now it's not just someone wanting to purchase STEEM to advertise, now it's a requirement to enter the market. This brings new money in and that money goes to the right places, plus with all of the incentives in line for each player in the game, all the more reason to hold a token that's forced to rise in value.

I have ways to force people to listen, but they are frowned upon in many jurisdictions.

Well, earlier I saw some posts about advertisements. People saying, "I don't want ads!" Too late for that. Then I saw some talk about ONE slot on the trending page would be a good place to put an ad. I got a huge chuckle out of that one. ONE slot... on a platform that's no different than Youtube, aside from appearance. ONE slot. When millions of slots appeal to large investors, they want ONE slot. I knew then and there, much like before, I've wasted my time trying to point this out, and I'm not going to kill the credibility of the message by using bots and turning this into a paid opinion. Either they like, pay attention to it... or they don't. Billions.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63466.84
ETH 2636.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76