[Steemit] What is Steemit? Blogging, Blockchain, Decentralization, Curation? Huh?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Who is this article for?

First off, this is not for the 'seasoned' Steemit user, you will learn nothing new - you probably already know what it is and how it works and there are many good articles here that explain it in detail better than here.

What I would like to write here is an "end-user experience" version of how Steemit works from a practical point of view.

What is Steemit?

Steemit is a blogging website where users post their content, blogs, videos, photos etc. It's similar to other blogging sites in that you can post html, photos and videos. You have your own blogging page where every blog post is neatly arranged for people to view and follow.

What makes Steemit unique?

What makes Steemit unique is that everything is recorded on the STEEM block-chain which makes everything transparent and permanent. And good content and a loyal following is monetarily rewarded based on the upvotes they receive.

Block-chain? Too complicated. Nevermind.

Wait! Hold on! It's not that complicated. There are many articles defining and explaining how blockchain works, but the simplest explanation is one word:


Everyone knows that decentralization is... right? To be decentralized:

verb (used with object), decentralized, decentralizing.

  1. To distribute the administrative powers or functions of (a central authority) over a less concentrated area
  2. To disperse (something) from an area of concentration

What makes the blockchain so useful is that it is not sitting on a giant computer bank in California somewhere. The content is not filtered and affected by a central authority like YouTube or Facebook. It is decentralized in that no single corporation or institution can attempt to control the content based on their ideology (ahem... YouTube Adpocalypse).

But don't we want some regulation? I don't want to see bad stuff.

Steemit is self-regulating based on self-imposed community standards. Basically, every Steemit user carries a carrot and a stick.

  • The Carrot: Your Upvote. The more invested (influential) into Steemit you are, the bigger your CARROT is.

  • The Stick: Flag (or downvote). The more invested (influential) into Steemit you are, the bigger your STICK is.

If you are posting bad stuff or plagiarized stuff or content that is not appreciated by the community, you get FLAGGED. The value of your post is reduced, sometimes to 0, and your reputation decreases.

If you are posting quality content, original works, creative and appreciated, the Steemit community will UPVOTE your posts. Your reputation will grow and you will enjoy the esteem of the community.

So how do I become 'invested' into Steemit, I want to help influence steemit for the good!

The best thing a person can do to influence Steemit for the good is to write good blog articles, gain a following and encourage other good writers to join and post more good articles. This is what makes Steemit so great!

No you don't understand. I want a bigger carrot and stick.

Now, now, don't be so power hungry!

You can do two things to gain influence on Steemit: one carries a risk, the other is FREE!

  • You can EARN STEEM by writing good articles and posts. It's free, but takes a long time and a lot of blogging to build substantial influence. This is your safest option though, especially if Steemit is something you can't spend a lot of time on.

  • You can BUY STEEM by exchanging your CASH money for Bitcoin, which can be traded for STEEM as an investment into Steemit. The downside is that it's like investing in shares of a company, the value can go up or down. The upside is that you would have instant influence with your upvotes - you can more substantially reward other steemit users for their content.

Wait what? What is STEEM? Why would I want that?

STEEM is short for Esteem: it's a token representing your esteem among the steemit community based on approval through upvotes of quality blog posts

What makes STEEM valuable is that it can be traded for Bitcoin, (which is in high demand) or other coins and can be sold for cash money.

Yes, that means your blogs and comments can earn actual money!

But what if I don't want to blog? I just want to comment and upvote.

You can still earn STEEM!

Everytime you write a comment on someone else's blog, it's like a mini-blog you wrote yourself! Users can upvote your comments and you earn STEEM, just like it was your own blog post! If you enjoy the posts of the bloggers that you follow and comment regularly, you will find yourself receiving plenty of upvotes as you build a genuine relationship.

And how cool is that, your favorite bloggers can upvote YOU!

Another buzzword... Curation

Upvoting is sort of like what a curator at a museum does. They select which artwork goes where for display. Every upvote helps organize the posts based on upvote trends and influence:

verb (used with object), curated, curating.
To pull together, sift through, and select for presentation, as music or website content

The cream of the blogs should float to the top based on upvotes. And for your 'curation', you receive a small share (based on your influence) of the total reward that post of comment earns.

That means every time you give an upvote, you receive STEEM back!

In Conclusion

I hope that this has been helpful as an overview of Steemit.com There's a ton more to talk about and lots more to say, but I think that's enough for now. Thank you for reading all the way through without lots of gifs!

I encourage you to comment below. I enjoy talking Steemit and what better platform than on Steemit.com?


If you would like to upvote this post, please consider upvoting this comment instead! Much appreciated! @ironshield

Thank you @enchantedspirit, it's much appreciated! @ironshield

If there is one thing I would like readers to walk away with is this:

STEEM is short for Esteem: it's a token representing your esteem among the steemit community based on approval through upvotes of quality blog posts

I didn't know that. I always thought it's all about steAm ( as it was shown on a drawing with rain, firm, steam....) because of the financial-systemic engine.

Yes, you're not alone! I thought that at first too. When I talk to people about STEEM, they think I'm talking about the gaming platform Steam. They sound exactly the same. @ironshield

No, I mean steam as vapour. It is clear that Steam as gaming platform is something totally different. I use it sometimes.

Ok, that makes sense! @ironshield

Hello @ironshield

This is a brief and compact post that contains all the main points and details

I will be using it for my @bluewaves Mentorship project to educate newbies.



Great, I hope that it is useful! @ironshield

Thank You for laying this out so well!

Thanks, people on FB are wondering what this Steemit thing is that I keep linking there. :-)


Amazing info brother. Thank you for simplifying things for us new users as I am have not been a user of Steemit for a long time. This sure those explain some things for me. I do enjoy Steemit but they need to work on their platform performance as it has discouraged me from using it for the past 3-4 weeks.

I know this had nothing to do with you, but I hope they make the users feel more "welcome" here as they have been lacking performance for a while. I am saying this because I can't recommend it to anyone if they come here and realize the platform is full of bugs. They will lose interest very fast.

This post got my upvote. Very well written and basically simplified the ways of Steemit. Just like in anything in life you have to work for it and put your money where your mouth is. If you truly believe in Steemit than you will invest the time and money in order to be successful. :)

Thank you for your kind words.

Yes, the performance issues are frustrating. It's my hope that by 'sticking with it' through the performance issues, we'll see the platform improve to the point where more users will be willing to join. And if not steemit.com, there's busy.org, d.tube, esteem app, mangosteem, and the list is growing. Even if steemit.com has trouble, the STEEM block-chain is alive and well.

I have to remember myself, earning STEEM is not enough for users to join steemit.com - there has to be a good and simple interface and good content to bring users back for more! So, if we build it, it will be built!

We are an essential element as to the future success of Steemit.com and STEEM. Our blogging quality! Amazing to think about, no? @ironshield

Speaking as someone who arrived here brand-new just a few short months ago, Steemit is not especially user-friendly to new people fresh from the outside world. (And there are sure a lot of things I wish they would change about it!!)

It has a very steep learning curve which is not especially cordial -- and despite all the talk about it being "unregulated" there are a lot of unwritten rules you can run afoul of, even with the best intentions. When you do, the place is seriously unforgiving.

While I don't regret for a moment being here, it is not a place I would recommend to anyone I know. That said, I feel you have written a very important and informative article that would be a treasure to anyone whose head spins -- like @Catweasel's -- with all the silliness about power plants and steam turbines. I speak and read English very well -- and none of that made any sense to me either.

I can see why others are impressed with it. I am resteeming it (so I can find it again myself. One of the things I would fix on Steemit if I were in charge of this place!!)

(I also wish I could give it the honor it deserves in the group you and I share. Maybe we'll get that worked out someday, too.)

But meanwhile, because I believe in rewarding good work ... here you go!

tip! 0.25

Wow, thank you so much, that was unexpected! I tried writing it in a way that was easy to understand. I hope to do another post someday on "Steemit Etiquette". I know it's been done before, but it doesn't hurt to do it again. And again. @ironshield

I kinda knew all this already, but this was laid out in such a way that I fully know how to go about what I want to do..

That's awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Most steemians are very familiar with all of this, it was written as an introduction. Thanks for checking it out! @ironshield

You have taught me nothing, but I'm not your target audience. I would have greatly appreciated this 4 months ago when all the power plant analogies etc. were leaving me just as confused after reading as before. Sometimes moreso.

I figured a good percentage of readers wouldn't gain much from this... but it's great to post on facebook for friends and family! @ironshield

Just so you know @ironshield i upvoted because i loved that steemit cup design.
Ive never been this honnest i guess 😊

I appreciate the upvote and comment! Honesty is the only policy! @ironshield

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