Steemian Storybook No.1 : Invisible Gorilla

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

People believe that what they clearly saw or what they evidently knew were truth.
Though human brain is not perfect so we frequently mistake, however, we believe what we see and what we heard are rearly happens around us.
Because of this selective concentration, we frequently miss important things.

This missing matters happen often than we recognize. Related to these matters, Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simon, american psychologists, started on one interesting experimentation.
Christopher and Daniel shew basketball game to participants and asked to count how many times people who wearing white shirts passed the ball.
But there was one trick that participants didn't recognize during the experiment. It was gorilla. During six people of white shirts passing the ball, one gorilla, not a real gorilla it was people dress up gorilla costume, wandered around the white shirts.
End of the experiment surprisingly, there were only less than half of participants who recognize the gorilla.
Participants who miss the gorilla insisted that there was no gorilla in basketball game and claimed that basketball game video was changed when they saw it again.
Reason that participants couldn't recognize the gorilla is they are directed to concentrate on pass of the white shirts.
It was selective concentration causing by cognitive process.
Selective concentration helps us to accomplish goal but it also occurs mistake, wrong judgment, and critical accident.
There are lots of mavericks. They do not acknowledge what they fail to notice and hear.
It is ideological bias and internal intolerant. You can find the truth that you don't recognize when you stop for a while and look around.
Steemian, as you know in the invisible gorilla experiment, what you can't see could exist in reality.
What we mistakenly overlooked is possibly important for our happiness, peace and prosperity of Steemit.
How about look around your life?
There would be what is really important for you, like say good morning to your family, which we forgot so easily.



Image Source is the Google Web site.

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