RE: I thought Steemit Was a Bit Too Sanitized. I was wrong.
Cool, that WordPress idea sounds really useful. I've never been on there. I'll have to see about that. And yeah, I've just figured everyone on here talks over on Discord. I have it, but I haven't used it for any Steemit talk.
It kinda does feel like the start of the internet, doesn't it? I'm definitely doing lord only knows while you're sleeping. Although, I'd say my sleep time has been a bit peculiar of late, specifically last night, after that beautiful imagery you set me up with. That truly did translate to my dreams...don't ask...just don't ask lol. My head's a dark and scary place to wander around too long sometimes. All the time, rather. I think that's why we'll make good fwiends, you and I.
I'm not really playing the money game on here yet. (Not that I really have any means to.) I'm feeling a bit cynical about all that. Maybe I'll change my tune on that if I can figure out a decent angle that doesn't feel too much like I'm pimping my soul to Steemit.
My sincerest apologies for inducing your new butt obsession. Made me think of this (it starts at the relevant part, so no need to watch the whole vid).
I'm also on Discord, but only to drop links into post promotion channels when I do post. I have no idea how it works otherwise, but my user name is nonsqtr#1972. It seems like almost everyone is on Steemit permanently while also chatting and moderating on Discord while working for a living while getting a masters degree while raising two toddlers while traveling the world and ending hunger in Sudan.
Hard to process that kind of drive and energy.
As I mentioned, it is probably best for us noobs to first focusing on replying to whale and dolphin posts in a meaningful way, showing them that you actually read the article and acting like you don't care for votes.
Your visibility increases and they may even start following you. My followers grow a bit every day just from my commenting. It makes more penny shards than my posts and the most important thing is to gain rep (mine has slowed to a crawl) and more importantly, SP.
Find me on Discord, I don't care about time differences as I live on about 6 hours of sleep. then I can set you up and give you a login to my site.
PS, we live in the pimping your soul era. People have been conditioned to expect that. Writing about something you are not particularly interest in is a great builder of skills.
'It seems like almost everyone is on Steemit permanently while also chatting and moderating on Discord while working for a living while getting a masters degree while raising two toddlers while traveling the world and ending hunger in Sudan.
Hard to process that kind of drive and energy.'
Ahahaa. You win funny points for that one. Yeah, I am a bit cynical about the whole online activism/change the world kind of thing, but I have faith in it to, to some extent. Or rather, maybe I should say I wouldn't bother to oppose it, just maybe criticize it. It deserves a bit of everything does.
I can't play that video "in my country". I guess it's not allowed here by the video police. I'll trust it was good and worth a chuckle.
But it's allowed here in Africa where I get that message often. Anyhow, it's about a guy who's been cursed to see butts everywhere. Made me laugh.
Nice. That sounds laugh worthy. Butts usually fit that category.
Oh and I really did dream about dog "stuff". I think the way is goes is if I say the words "I'll probably dream about this" after hearing or seeing something....then it just so happens that I do. Sometimes that's useful, sometimes that's...interesting.