Steemit Trending Page: Un-Fucked Me Now

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

If the trending page of Steemit could only speak a word(s) it would provably be the title of this post—unfucked me now.

What causes a post(s) to go to the trending page?

In the case of Facebook, it is not just one route leading to the limelight much like the rest of other social media giants including Twitter, and even the Google search results.

Many Roads Lead to Heaven

There are numerous metrics in play—some of these are not directly visible in plain sight.

These metrics include the number of likes, number of engagement, number of shares, number of organic reach, number of downloads, so on, and put together to form a coherent understanding about how influential a certain post might be.

It is a multidimensional approach to put things together on the basis of various parameters.

The Steemit Trending Algorithm

But when it comes to Steemit, it is a one dimensional crap. You don't need to deal with a hell lot of complicated ranking factors to make your shit post visible to everyone.

Instead of social engagements and number of likes pushing your article to the trending tab—so people may notice it—what's happening here is the other way around.

Steemit Turns Its Head Upside Down

Upvote powerfully first then watch the magical shit show begins.

This system is only making the rich becomes rich even more. No different from the real world huh!

It is a very counterintuitive algorithm which encourages shit posting and discourages the publication of valuable and interesting ideas—which could otherwise add more value to the platform in the long run.

What is the solution for this?

That is one thing you'll find out in my next post.

When Expectations Meet Reality

Maybe I got it wrong right from the start by setting up my expectation too high and that I should begin to accept the reality of things on here. This is how Steemit works anyway and this is how it should be—until another platform(s) with a better reward system comes along.

The Steemit trending page is no different from the Facebook advertising feature. It is a push button marketing under the guise of trending. What a load of garbage!

All you have to do to become a Steemit pensioner is auto upvote your fellow pensioner within the Steemit inner circle and voila—you are now a member of the most profitable circle jerk brotherhood.

Much money. Popular idiots. Such wow!

Nice slogan! Your voice is worth something you say. Screw that!

Is it really my voice or your Steem Power that is worth something?

I strongly suspect the latter.

At least on traditional social media, users are aware that they were being presented with promotional crap in a very targeted fashion.

With Steemit, this is not the case. Because even a newborn baby who have accidentally posted his or her first gibberish could actually buy a brand new car within seven days out of that nonsensical utterance—provided his dad is cool enough to hold a massive amount of Steem Power however.

If there is anything that needs to be eliminated from the Steemit interface, it is gonna be the promoted tab. It is just sitting there doing nothing like an idiot because nobody cares to visit it anyway.


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