Dear Ned!

in #steemit6 years ago

Ned & The Top 20

Dear @Ned,

Just wanted to share my thoughts with you, so consider this my fan letter.

The scale of your incompetence is mind blowing. You take an already broken system, and break it even more. You do have a testnet, that apparently that is not used for testing. Why give a green light to a hard fork that halted the system, and is still frustrating everyone beyond belief? The old adage, look before you leap comes to mind. Is everyone just supposed to sit around for days on end, with their thumb up their ass waiting on resource credits to make a post or a comment? Well everyone except for you, and anyone sitting on a butt load of steem.

Commenting and posting is what drives the platform. Engagement is a priority, without it all hope is lost. Any new user that is looking to come into this platform has no shot in hell of ever gaining any traction, without being able to comment and post. Limiting them to just a handful of comments is pretty much suicide for the platform. And before anyone goes off on the "they didn't invest anything" tangent, they are investing their time and energy. Content creation is the life's blood of Steemit. So how much is everyone's time actually worth, in creating said content? Moving on...

So the big question is, why the screwup? Are you intentionally trying to make Steemit a Hell Hole? You should have fixed the existing issues before creating new ones... just sayin!

And I know you are going to ask, what existing issues? For starters, what about all the spam accounts that are created on a daily basis, that drain system resources? Resources, that we now have to pay for with... wait for it... resource credits. How many spam accounts are there actually? Anyone? You could have created a system for genuine account creation long ago, but you didn't. Epic Fail! You have witnesses doing spam patrol, policing Steemit every day. A big thanks to Steem Cleaners for doing an awesome job... your job! All of which could be avoided if you had only done something about it.

And let us not forget all the circle jerk voting that goes on every day, by big stake holders. Brings a whole new meaning to self enrichment and reward pool rape! I could go on, but I would be stating the obvious I think. And the sad part is, everyone knows about the problems! But nothing is done about it, and most likely nothing ever will be done.

And you are probably going to reply with, Steemit is decentralized, we can't do that. Bullshit! Steemit is so far removed from being decentralized, it's a joke. The top 20 do what STINC says. You say jump, they say how high? There a few in the top 20 that actually care, but very few it seems. As for the rest of the Witnesses that bust their ass making it happen everyday, thank you, you are appreciated. I have voted for you.

You @ned are the face of Steem and Steemit, God help us. It is time that you start acting like it, instead of worrying about your hair style, and playing guitar.

And since we are talking problems... what is up with Steemit being in Beta for 2+ years? Is that supposed to be a joke? Anyone with any common sense knows that is total horse shit. I could write a short novel about all the problems, but it would be a fruitless endeavor. And I am done wasting my time here... so for all the people who want to know...

The ultimate question is.. What the hell are you planning on doing about the problems? Not a God Damned thing, we can bank on that to be sure.

The potential for this platform is huge, and so much good can be done! It is sad that this potential is wasted. There is more to life than filling your pockets with coin. Why don't you consider feeding starving people around the world, help the homeless, save abused children! Delegate some of those millions of Steem to accounts that actually try to do good. Just a thought!

And with that I will leave you with a song, reserved for those truly deserving:

Here are the important parts of the lyrics, since I know that this is not in your musical preference, as you prefer Kumbaya:

Fuck all you whiny bastards
Just do your fucking job
Fuck your problems
And fuck your friends
- - - -
Fuck you very much for all the nothing you have done
Fuck your life and fuck the place that you just stumbled from
Fuck you all who I've offended
And fuck you once again

Yeah I know.. but what can ya do.. Go crazy I say.. start a riot.. live a little!

So go on give me shit... whatever! These are my opinions on the matter, take me or leave em. Do not expect a reply if you leave a comment. What would be the point? Would be wasting more... resource credits.

Peace Out!

Things are starting to correct themselves. I'm starting to be able to do a lot more. I think things aren't all lost!

Have you checked your resource credits lately?

I think they did something. Just thought you should know...

"Look before you leap," right?

why the fuck should anyone have to check ... what??? some made up bullshit that does.... what?? it's fucked every single person and community i know. this is bullshit. you're over 71, i'm sure you're just fine so what do you care.

what a waste of years of my life, trying to work this platform the way it was set up. 'communities'? 'engagement'? the shit that's wrong could have been righted but now i have to figure out what the fuck a resource credit is?

you've got to be shitting me.

I do care. Unfortunately I think a lot of people are being blinded by hate and frustrations. That makes these conversations difficult. I can see you're angry but I choose not to add fuel to those flames.

I wrote a post today best describing how I feel about things currently.

As for budgeting something like a resource credit: it's nothing new, really. But I guess many were unaware of their voting power being depleted while complaining about having a low value vote. It might be inconvenient at first but taking a few seconds to learn how to budget something like voting power or RC now will go along ways and help people find success.

That might not be what you want to hear and for that I do apologize. I've never been good at sticking to the status quo and it's hard for me to want to find reasons to hate after working hard here for two years.

Thank you for responding, I appreciate and respect that.

I don't hate; I'm frustrated, absolutely, with every reason to be.

Steemit has so many issues that could be resolved with fixes that are at least as uncomplicated as you describe learning what RC is and how to 'budget' it.

I understood how and why my voting power depleted. Now, I have to worry about how many comments I make? Isn't engagement one of the pillars of Steemit? Aren't communities? Or have @ned and STINC finally ceased the charade that any of those things matter to them?

Again, I don't hate. What I see and hear from people in my community are how other blockchain platforms are so much better. So much easier to post, find like minded bloggers, to interact and build communities.

It feels very much like the 'powers that be' are jumping the shark and making everything more difficult in order to justify their cash out and abandonment.

Again, thank you for your reply, I hope I have not offended you entirely. :)

I hear ya, one upvote and one comment and I'm done. So the post I had intended on doing I have to wait????? I have very little value here even though I have engaged and participated. Unless you have someone on your side who has some power it will take me at least 100 years to get to any true value in my account. Thank goodness for SPL!

at least something good came in spite of the reckless ignorance of STINC.

I don't get easily offended. I get why people are frustrated. I'm not exactly 100% in approval either. I've said more than what I'd like to repeat already in my post today. I'm seeing, under all of this smoke and ash, much of what people wanted hidden beneath the chaos.

I just want to say I agree and I have seen soooooo many post like this stating the same things, man I'm trying to stay neutral but dang man it's so hard to not say something. Stay real bro

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