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RE: Flagging: Let's talk about it!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It is incredible to me that you are able to write this type of easy-to-understand english comment... yet you cannot write your own post without copy/paste someone else's entire post.

Are you just lazy? Or are you just trying to cheat everybody by finding a good paying post that someone else wrote and putting it as your own to try and get double paid for that same work?

People like you damage what steem can be, when you do that..

Your reputation as level 40 before. Now it is level 32

When are you going to learn that calling people a bitch and copy/pasting other work you did not do, is an easy way to get your account hidden and all your rewards taken?

Stop doing it.

Here's the answer to your question:

One thing i want to ask have you got any right to check palagrism from dan or something?. Why you work as detective


Not just us. Everyone!!

The reason is simple.

If you are an investor into STEEM and you come here and see everybody just copy/pasting the internet and each others posts... you would look at this whole blockchain like one big joke.

The only way STEEM becomes valuable if is good content gets seen more than bad content. Also, if you become a copy/paste spammer, we try to stop that so only good hard working people get paid.

By you STEALING content (other people's posts) and trying to STEAL rewards that you did not properly earn, makes you a THIEF.

So your question might be:

Why does anyone care if I, @minhazdipoti is a thief?

...because we do.. and if you create a new account and start stealing again, we're going to find you again, and you'll get your posts hidden there too. STEEM cannot work by people stealing content and re-posting as their own. When someone keeps doing that they are always found, and flagging happens.



well said sir, I want to upvote that comment and absolutely will monday...after my vp recovers..

Counting on it... but save it for my last blog post about how stable blockchain is... I'd rather you upvote that one... if you agree with it.

You hit the spot man!

'shakes head'

You asked a question and you use really low-level (as in sewer-grade) language to respond to somebody who gave you an answer that you didn't like.

In case you didn't notice the warning of the user you just insulted - this will 'not' end well for you. If you keep this up then soon enough your comments, your posts, you will become a lot harder to see, let alone read.

And in all frankness I am having a hard time feeling sorry for you - because you are doing a very 'poor' job of looking after your self-image - your personal brand.

You will not like hearing that... but its kind of like that warning you get that you are soon to run out of fuel... and you are still 20,000 feet up in the air. You can smash the fuel readings panel but your energy would be a lot better spent ensuring that you don't crash and burn miserably.

It's sad to watch isn't it? :)

Quite... I can sense that he is capable of much better... :c/

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