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RE: Is Steemit Addictive? Give A Reason If You Are Steemit Addict

in #steemit6 years ago

I actually find it addictive because there are so many categories and directions to go off in that I don't even know what to do sometimes. It reminds me slightly of the time before the dot com boom.

Lots of in Information Technology had access to the internet but all we knew how to do was use search engines to find things that looked interesting or neat. It was somewhat disorganized, yet orderly for its time. That's what I think about this place. It feels like something that is giving birth and hasn't quite found its way of what direction it is heading.

The model of making money off posting and participating is noble and long overdue. There are thousands of forums out there that are littered with people who are there to just troll, cause trouble, start wars and arguments and be generally useless.

I suppose you could find that here but since there is an incentive to produce quality to generate revenue, I think some people really try to be selective and careful and thoughtful.

I think it is OK that some are profiting big time. This is luring in lots of people. I think it is also OK that it is hard for people to figure out how those people have such wealth. The weak and the people who don't want to try will weed themselves out.

Hopefully, what will be left is a good community of people passing the buck around and generating a currency while providing a wide variety of content for entertainment, knowledge and a path to get to people globally that they normally wouldn't be able to reach easily.

I find myself getting lost on tangents here. This is exactly what used to happen to me back in the mid to late 1990's when the Internet was new. I set out to find pictures of things and would end up reading about the history of a politician. We are still in the stages before the steemit boom. I want to have myself well established and feet firmly planted before more minnows start getting dumped in by a massive article published in the right place or a news special drawing more attention to it. Exciting times, folks.

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