Success in Patience (Trying, and Not Expecting Everything To Just Come Your Way)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


When it comes to steemit and you wanting to earn money like the people that are trending: the key is to just keep trying. As many others have said, the people that are trending aren't the only people on this website. Behind them are the many others (like us) who are still trying to find something we can write about. Don't expect write a post, shower, and come back to 100's of people upvoting you. Although that could probably happen, we need to learn to not set our hopes too high on whatever it is we're posting (I'm pretty much telling that to those of us/you who get frustrated when you write a long post and not receive as many upvotes as others.) And don't feel like you're nothing, or have nothing interesting to say because your posts don't receive as much attention as others, because that's not true. 

Lastly, don't expect for a whale to just like your post if you ask them to or kiss their ass. If you're content is good enough, it will come one day. But until then: patience.


There are many people who always tell themselves that they're going to better themselves and they they do. For a while. Many of us know how hard it is to keep doing something and after weeks of hard work, notice little to no progress. Seeing that decreases or motivation for whatever it is we're doing, leading us to plunder and give up.

Like for example New Year's Resolutions. Although not all of us set these goals, there are still many who do. And most of us who do, tend to fail and give up. Statistics (from a few years ago) have shown that only around 8% of the people who set a resolution completed it. That is an astoundingly low percentage, and in honesty, it makes me part of the loud and somewhat proud 92% which is fine by me. 
Life throws hurdles at us, and we start feeling hopeless. The thing is: We need to realize that we should not expect change and progress to occur instantaneously. Sometimes life takes a while to show you progress, and that's okay. I noticed that a lot of people tend to lose hope on their goal once they fail once, thinking that they're wasting their time on something that is unattainable. Maybe after a few months they'll try once more, and it'll repeat as a never ending cycle until whatever goal they set becomes needed and they finally achieve it. You shouldn't give up right after failing, because if you do that you're postponing whatever it is you're trying to achieve for a long time, leading you to feel down.


To wrap up everything in a simple fashion: don't expect something good to easily come your way. For some people it's easy, yes, but you can't expect everything to be the same to you. Don't feel as though if you fail, you're not up for the task, you jest need to keep picking yourself back up, have patience, and keep trying.

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." -Napoleon Hill

Now let me just post, go take a shower, and see what happens :)


I keep reading words like "earning " and "getting" . Let start this all up by sharing and forgetting the the payment process . If you stay active and insightful when participating on this new social media platform called Steemit, you'll eventualy make some cheese

For now let's just engage and see if Steemit can change the way content is paid to the people who create it for real.

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