in #steemit7 years ago


We all know about the value we get with the blockchain foundation that we have on Steemit. Is that where the Steemit value can be found?

When I talk about value i am not only talking monetary value, im talking about any value that you can take from the site.

A very good example of where i find value in Steemit is the ability for posts created on Steemit to index on Google FAST. In fact i have created posts then Googled the permalink and BOOM! Google finds the page.

This is very valuable to me as it puts my content out to the masses incredibly quickly. There is also a knock on effect for my own sites InfoBunny and HowTo8App because when I publish on those blogs and then create cut-downs or shares on Steemit then that really really speeds up the indexing process on those site. My record for a post on my Infobunny site getting indexed in just 9 mins. And it may even be faster than that because i didn't check right away as i was in the middle of a social sharing session to help indexing.

So it's over to you.

Where do you find the value in Steemit? Is it in the connections? is it in the great content you can read?
Let me know in the comments below!
Regards Dexter


For me the biggest value steemit has are the readers. My poems and blogs are really read here and I love it!

so the connections and audience

True. Connection and attention!

My poems and blogs are really read here and I love

For me it's an alternative to wordpress. A place to write your article and get rewarded easier than waiting for people to click on your website ads and banners. Moreover you get rewarded in crypto, steem is 1.98$ and steem dollars $10.60. These prices are gonna rise more I know it, we just have to be patient for what is next to come. I still see the beta icon on the top left next to the steemit logo, and I can't wait to see what the next update of steemit can bring to us. I joined 8 months ago. I wish I was more active, but it's never too late. On top of that you also make friends from all over the world, like we did on tsu and the8app.

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