My Continuing Decompression From Facebook

in #steemit6 years ago

I'll make an admission up front. Every once in a while I catch myself surfing Facebook.

I know, I know. But hey, at least I catch myself.

All joking aside, I do find myself in that old habit. Though not anywhere near as often.

It's not that I think Facebook is void of any value. I don't. Like many tools, it depends on how we use them.

To me, Facebook is the same way. So is Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Etc. Etc. Guess what? Steemit's like that too.

The big difference about Steemit, however, is the quality of time I spend.

Say What? Steemit Time Is Quality?

Well yea! It really is as far as I'm concerned and I'll explain why I say that.

On Facebook, I have a fishing page which links to my offshore fishing website. So me being me, I followed thousands of anglers on my personal Facebook account.

If you can imagine, my feed changed instantly. It went from old friends and family to a world of fisher folk. Men and women.

Catastrophy, Death, Grievance, & Personal Political Opinions All Come With Along With The Package

There's good stuff too, like killer fish pics and honest hardworking people. The thing is that all the negativity, especially in the political arena, can become overwhelming.

I see articles about Social Media distortion or whatever they call it, and I believe them. Too much Facebook scrolling makes me angry.

I don't want to change my feed. Those people all have a right to their own opinions, as they have a right to proclaim them.

I have the right to put Facebook down and not involve myself with it anymore. Luckily, Steemit entered my life and eased the transition in a surprising way.

Now Steemit Is A Surprise?

Well yea! It is a surprise to go from a community full of anger, to one that encourages relationships and personal growth.

Not To Mention We Get To Earn!


I gotta tell you, that sure makes me happy. As time goes by, I'm finding myself more encouraged by what Steemit has to offer. Even as some drop off with a falling crypto market.

I'd say the days of Facebook propelling an ugly side of myself are over. They are dissipating like vapor in a strengthening breeze.

Have You Had A Similar Experience? Leave It In The Comments Below. It Would Be Interesting To Hear About It

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I still use FB every day, but I use it differently since coming on here. I use it for what it was originally for - I communicate with friends and try and have a laugh with them. I had got into the habit of getting involved in political debates, but it invariably got snippy and unpleasant, and I had made a decision to stop doing that, but, being honest, I missed the chance to lock horns with people.

I made a decision this week to do this on Steemit. I am a political animal, and I like to challenge and be challenged. So far, it is going well. I am disagreeing with people, but the disagreement is civil. I am exploring new avenues of thought, and hopefully I am encouraging other to do the same.

Steemit is more polite. I think the money thing and the downvoting capacity makes people behave better. But it's early days, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

I think you may have made a mistake with your FB. Only may. I have learned not to let strangers in on there. I have done it a few times, and it usually goes south very quickly. Now, on here, it's different, but also, I don't have loads of personal info and data on here, so it doesn't feel as intrusive when I start to get to know someone.

I find this place new and refreshing, but I am very much still finding my feet.

Hi @matbaker. Thanks for responding with such a detailed comment.

You know, I have searched out a couple political posts here and I saw the same thing you mention. It's much different than Facebook behavior.

Thanks for the warning too. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest move. Two years has passed though with no incidents. Knock on wood. :)

Ah, some poor behaviour does exist on here, but it is certainly a rarer animal.

I got into Facebook "early" and at first, it was just a way to stay up-to-date on friends' lives. I still enjoy it for that reason. If I don't know them well, then I tend to hide their posts so I can focus on staying connected with people I know.

I know a lot of people also use FB for information and expanding their network ... but that's where I like Steemit more. Because quality matters, I feel like I can find better content and engagement. And the platform just keeps growing with chat rooms, projects, add-on tools, etc.

I guess everyone has a different experience which depends on how we use social media in our lives. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's exciting to think what Steemit will become. :)

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