My take on the blockchain.

in #steemit7 years ago

So, I've been curious about bitcoins, ether & crypto for quite some time. It started when a friend of mine tried to explain the concept to me about 4-5 years ago, and explained he had successfully purchased his first bitcoin. When I asked what was a bitcoin and how it worked, his answer was short & sweet, "You want to know what it is, then try to buy one, and you'll understand it."

I started some googling, and in the end, decided it was too difficult a concept and being more time-poor than now, I abandoned the process. Well, I don't see as much of this friend as I used to, but I'm sure he didn't abandon buying them, and he'd be rather pleased with his early-adoption.

It wasn't until another friend told me about a bitcoin investment in Feb this year, that I reopened that old chest, but this time, there was a lot more support & curiosity around the infamous crypto world. So, in I jumped, and well, what a rabbit hole it is.

rabbit 2.jpg

Being a nerd with things like this, I quickly became obsessed in learning everything at once, including dozens of hours of youtube, doccos, arguments for and against BIP148, cold store, hot stores, wallets, soft & hard forks.

Sure, it's a much needed alternative to the fiat system that is clearly breaking down before our eyes, but I'm more excited about the other opportunites the blockchain technology provides.

For me, for the first time in arguably my lifetime, it presents an opportunity for all heart-centred businesses & pioneers. I can see a way where I can directly improve the lives of others, without the usual shackles of government & banking regulation. An opportunity to expand unilaterally our breadth of wisdom & experience to others in less fortunate places.

One guru I admire the dearly, Andreas Antonopoulous, has a vision for humanity, and explains this well in his latest book, "The internet of money".

Anyone with access to a cell phone, across the globe, has access to opportunity.

With over 4 billion people on this earth that are unbanked (ie. don't have access to fully transactional banking), can you imagine what opportunity this now empowers them with?

In my short time on steemit, I've seen introductions from young entrepreneurs in Ghana, who are reaching out for connection. People that we can learn so much from. Does facebook & banking provide these opportunities? No, they're commercial and unless money is behind their motives, they won't either.

People genuinely just want to help other people!

I can see a new dawn breaking, and it's exciting. I'm even more excited to see what opportunities exist for these 4 billion people across the world, most of whom now have some or limited access to cell networks. Their governments & banks might disallow them general banking, but they can't quieten curiosity. Money for value can finally flow freely, like the water in our rivers and the food on our lands.

It's an exciting time to be alive. One filled with massive opportunity, and one where the power is back in the hands of the people.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. - Henry Ford.


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Thanks holyman :)

exciting time to be alive indeed.. .do you twitter? what is your handle??

follow me on twitter for more #crypto news, comments, memes, questions, and shittalking...

Thanks Rick - indeed it is! My twitter is
following also & upped :) I have a post I've been working on, and see you've touched on similar content. Will enjoy what you have to share.

nice one Rob. Enjoyed that. Time for us small people to unite and show we do not reallly need to be ruled or governed in every aspect of our lives.

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