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RE: You Mean To Say I Can Get Paid To Be An Artist Without Having To Charge Anyone A Fee? That's Brilliant!

in #steemit6 years ago

Here are my two cents. the billions of users are not going to come to steemit because of investment opportunities. That's true. The billions of users are not going to come to see him it because of developers. That's true. They're coming will be made much easier by the tools that developers design. And wow excellent artistic content will make the experience here more satisfying I don't think people will come because good art is on the platform. People will come to steemit because their friends are on steemit. because people they hope will be there friends are on steemit. To some extent this will mean because they hope to interact with their favorite artist. But to an even greater extent people will come because other people are here already. Communities will be the basis of the explosion of growth that we all hope will be a part of steemit future.

Posted using Partiko Android


I use the term arts and entertainment loosely. Art isn't just a fancy picture. The first three letters in 'article' spell, what? You see? I should have mentioned that in the post because most don't realize once they blog, they're part of the arts and entertainment industry. News is a form of entertainment. An essay as well. Books, comedy, photography. It's all included. Everything we do here, no matter what we do, is arts and entertainment. We need people to see it and enjoy it. I'd like to see them earn more rewards for clicking the vote button, but some folks are against that.

Eventually though, with big names, that means they produce content and never interact with the general public. Communities are cool but for me, personally, I have trouble seeing where I'll fit in. I'm not sure how it'll work. One day I want to be funny, the next I want to do something like this post, then I'm producing odd looking art, sometimes normal looking art. Where do I go? Might have to make my own app...

Where do any of us fit? I think, sure, there will be folks who post art of all the artifacts artifices and articles you mean without much give and take. But I think they will be relatively rare. You'll fit with your fans, whoever they turn out to be, and with whomever you become a fan of. That's what community is, at least what I mean by it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I was picked last in school a couple times in gym class. I think that messed with my head.

I never felt like I belonged. Still don't. We hack away at an imperfect sculpture with the broken shards of a mirror.

Posted using Partiko Android

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