#ShareWithMe: I'm interested in you! Show me what tickles your fancy

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I'VE been going through Steemit for a few days now and I think I've found about just everything that I may be interested in... oooh wait, there's another.

Now, I love photography the most, with nature coming in as a close second and in third is travel.

BUT!!! I want to know what my followers like and what (or who) inspires them on Steemit.

As such, I'm asking you to take a minute and if you're feeling up to it, share an account with me that you absolutely head back to each and every time.

(IMAGE SOURCE: pixabay.com)

I'd love to see what you find cool, exciting and useful so let's share.

It's simple, copy and paste the URL (or account handle) of the account and comment with it here.

I'll start off with five accounts that I absolutely find super cool.

In first place: @czechglobalhosts (They run photography competitions and really offer photographers of all calibers some insight into quality photos).


In second: @adsactly (They post just about everything you need and if you don't already follow them, you should seriously consider it).


In third, narrowly missing second: @godflesh (I could not sum up in words just how amazing I found this account so, instead, I'll share it's description and let you decide for yourself: "I write stories, read stories and hide stories. I blog about Art, Literature, Philosophy, Culture, Psychology and Music!").


In fourth: @beachpersona (This account is super cool and you'll want to head back each time just to see what new place they are exploring #trekking through).


And lastly, in fifth: @alexeyvoron (Another exciting blog that continually captivates me. I am a bit concerned though as the blogger hasn't posted in a while so, I do hope they come back so that more awesome content can be shared).


Looking forward to seeing what you find cool @imagendevoz



Definitely check out @m31 ^^
And if you don't mind yourself some spiritually epic stuff, then I'd suggest @spellmaker too.

Good luck exploring!


Holy roman catholic pope of all things naughty and dirty - thank you for actually sharing. Seriously, who do I need to worship to get feedback out of people! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

Ha ha, you just have to find a few living people around here.
And, I know, I know, it's quite the task, but it's worth it. :)

Too true - they are on here somewhere, busy hiding under digital rocks probably too scared that they'll be ridiculed for sharing what they find interesting.

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