Top 3 Unintentionally Brilliant Comments of the Week

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

While browsing around Steemit, I come across such a large amount of comments which are so inciteful, so profound, and so unintentionally brilliant, that I feel the need to share them with the world.

Brilliantly Accidental

So without further ado or fanfare, here are the Top 3 Unintentionally Brilliant Comments of the Day:

1. I See Philosophy

Steemer @papa-pepper has a legitimately interesting blog. His voice is unique, his humor is subtle, and he seems to have a noble goal for his posts (earning a living while being able to maximize the time spent with his kids). Throw him a follow, you won’t regret it!

Like all Steemers, whale and...guppie or whatever... alike, Father Peppa receives his fair share of comments that are so profound, you can read them hundreds of times and continue to miss their true underlying meaning.

On a recent @papa-pepper post about his experience with goat meat (which was the most fun I’ve ever had reading about goats, or meat, or goat meat), the author published a number of pictures showing the transformation of said goat into said meat. They included pictures of the goat-meat atop a bed of rice as well as a delicious looking (such as it is) goat-meat taco.

A commenter left a gem overflowing with insightful analysis and precision:

I see rice.
I see taco.
I see food.
Good stuff my man.
Keep on steemit.

And I see art. Brava!

2. Unintentional Dr. Seuss


Artist and visual storyteller @opheliafu constantly puts out aesthetically pleasing art, doodles, and sketches.

The artistic blogger recently ran a challenge in which the artists were asked to submit the best art and illustrations inspired by the words “duck, rain, and umbrella.” It’s a fun concept and the results of this one contest alone are worth following the blog permanently.

A commenter on the contest posted the following poetry, which I am reproducing here in its original format:

Amazing art.I like art..Really your art touch my heart ..When starting rain need umbrella ..Waiting your next post.

This is a wonderfully poetic comment all by itself, even in its original. But by only removing a few pieces of punctuation, adding six small letters to the last word of the comment, and repositioning the comments’ parts under some relevant illustrations, it becomes positively Seussian:

Amazing art. I like art.


Really your art touch my heart.


When starting rain need umbrella...

Waiting your next post[erella]!

3. The Man Without Sundays

It is rare to find someone who is both an excellent photographer and a superb writer. Blogger @gringalicious manages the feat with aplomb (and, by all accounts, is a great chef too)!

From browsing her blog’s comments, it’s clear that Gringalicious has followers and fans from all walks of life. Her comment section is populated by foodies, amateur and professional photographers, a man who will never experience another Sunday ever again, music lovers, people who...


Was that just a guy who won’t ever have another Sunday in his life ever again? For the rest of eternity, will he be missing an entire day of the week?

No. Not Ever.

Here is the comment where this man disclosed his ability to experience existence differently than every other human, past, present, and future:

that is so beautifull i am talking about you ... you are so awesome ... this is so amazing sunday i wish it cames again and again

All other people get a new Sunday every single week, each week, over and over again, for the duration of their time here in this Universe.

This commenter can do nothing but wish, that somehow, someday, Sunday will come back again into his now Sundayless life.

Relativity Defying Commenter Pictured Here in His True Form as a Tachyon

Daily Bitcoin Philtrumocado Correlation = Aunt’s nose having blackheads removed with little white strip thing. Avocado piece remains in place because not blacknead. Buy Bitcoin three Sundays ago.


Between this post and @pawsdog's shitpost updates, there is never a lack of entertainment around here! I think the best comment I have ever seen was a woman who just wrote "Nice." on one of my blogs, upvoted herself 47 cents and then jetted right on outta there. Oh, Steemit...

Thanks! To be compared to @pawsdog is some high praise, so you’ve definitely just made my day

I have trouble doing the “when in Rome,” thing on Steemit, because out in the real world, within the milieu in which I find myself, it’s incredibly lowbrow to compliment one’s own qualities or accomplishments. It took me a little while to accept the concept of upvoting my own blog posts, and I still have trouble intentionally doing so with my own comments. It just feels wrong.

Although I’m sure that’s just me not fully assimilating into the Steemit culture, which I guess I have to work harder on internalizing.

But it sure is good to know there are lots of other other people who don’t just shrug and go “Sure, that makes sense,” when they come across a picture of dirty sock titled “For You Steem, Love is All,” with $837.67 in upvotes.

I feel ya! I have just started upvoting my posts and it feels weeeeird. I haven't been able to upvote my comments, as I don't want people to think I am commenting on their posts just to make a buck...or rather 3 cents, haha.

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