Why Do YOU Use Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

We get many opportunities in our lives to do something different. These opportunities may present themselves in a multitude of ways, and unfortunately, often times they are overlooked.

But, If you are reading this post, it is evident that YOU seek something more in life, and Steemit was YOUR chance to make it happen.

For me, Steemit represents much more than just a block-chain based social media platform.

For me, Steemit is a chance at


A chance to create something with nothing but my own creativity.
A chance to meet talented, like minded people who yearn for a better life.
A chance to LIVE by my own means and not have to be chained to 9-5 job.

The ability to be a part of a growing community that is filled with genuine, intelligent, and kind people who actively work to help others is something that is not commonplace now a days.

Most importantly I think,

Steemit Can Be Life Changing

Lets think of how impact full this platform can be to people in third world, developing countries.




  • Approximately 1/2 of the world’s population (about 3 billion people) earn less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion are living under extreme poverty — earning less than $1.25 a day.

  • 1 billion children worldwide live in poverty. 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.

  • Preventable diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea kill approximately 2 million children a year, because they are too poor to afford proper treatment.
  • 80% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day.

  • Data Gathered from:

    Imagine how life changing Steemit could be for the user who is living somewhere in these under-developed countries!

    The person who never had any possessions.

    The person who struggles to make ends meet.

    The person who has lost hope in the possibility of making a better life for themselves.

    To finally be given the opportunity of a lifetime...

    This is why Steemit is SO MUCH MORE than just a social media platform

    It's An Opportunity For A New Life

    Whether you want to travel the world, provide a better life for your family, be able to be your own boss, or help others who are less fortunate than you... Steemit can help you get there.

    Just look at your fellow Stemians!

    So many of our friends here on Steemit are now able to pursue their dreams and sustain a life from their earnings here.
    If they can do it, you can too.

    WE can do it.

    It just takes consistency and determination.
    Build your following, make quality content, find your niche. You might discover hidden talents you have or a love for hobbies you never tried.

    I know personally, I never thought I would enjoy blogging or posting, and I especially didn't think I would be any good at it.
    But, by being here on Steemit, I have found an appreciation for such things.

    You will never know if you don't try.

    So, why do you use Steemit?

    What do you hope to accomplish from being a part of this journey?

    Feel free to share, we are all interested in knowing what you want.

    Plus, you might make some new friends and followers! I've met some really great people here on Steemit through commenting and networking with other Steemians.

    Speaking of such, you should definitely join the SteemSpeak discord! A lot of people chill here and have really interesting conversations. Stop by!


    To end this post, a snippet of the famous poem, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.
    I think it's a suiting finish.

    Stay Awesome


    Hey great post, was nice meeting you in discord today glad to see a new user working his way up!

    Thanks man!
    I really appreciate it, gotta rep the steemspeak :D

    Excellent post amd fully agree!
    I'm on and fully support Steemit as a "privatized socialist" (at surface lvl a touch paradoxical), but I fully believe that we could revolutionize the world in a way that could benefit all people with this platform.
    Thanks for sharing, im following you for more ;)

    Thank you so much for the feedback and support!

    We really can revolutionize the world with this platform, you are 100% right.
    I can't wait to see what's in store for Steemit in the future!

    Great post :) It can indeed be a life changing experience for many.

    Thank you for the feedback!

    Nice said! I'm on Steemit because I'm sick and tired of Bank Systems who tried to control us... plus I love to learn new things from people all over the world... it's really inspiring place! Thanks for sharing!

    Thank you!
    I'm also here mostly in search of financial freedom.
    The additional bonus of all the great content you see here and cool people you meet is great too!

    STEEM on buddy :)

    No stopping the STEEM train!

    I only joined because Greg Mannarino was telling all his listeners to join. I did not know anything at all. I like it, it is interesting. My hope is not to become a dead fish, but I'm getting closer.
    Glad you and all your friends are doing better.

    Don't give up man, just keep posting, find your niche.
    You will only become a dead fish if you decide to give up!

    Steemit really gonna be a life changer.

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