in #steemit8 years ago

I did research the past days about the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center or WTC . I doubt if it interests you. but please read. 

The NIST or the National Institute of Standards and Technology denied about molten steel and the involvement of explosions in the collapse of the twin towers.

 but proven that the witnesses time later they heard two explosions before the building collapsed. seen as the molten steel, dineny they have even seen flowing molten steel into the side of the building.

Do you think jet fuel can knock down a tall skyscraper to its footprints? and also why the cave WTC building 7 d it even hit by a plane? 

based on my research, jet fuel can not simply knock down a skyscraper and even have the ability to melt steel. and take note, jet fuel has a maximum temp of heat 1600degress F while the temperature needed to melt steel is 2500degrees F.


photos from google


there are far too many more arguments in favor of an inside job. THERE IS NO DOUBT.

The US government are like paranoid parents, they collectively decide that it is simpler to try and protect their kids from reality or the truth. Usually it is simpler for them to just have the kids wander along the known pathway than to introduce something that might distract or disturb their child.

That is how many parents work, our parents are rich trust fund babies who know little of life except what their minders tell them ; so asking people to think when they have little experience in open thinking, especially in times of crisis is unlikely to have positive outcomes.

The simplest way to evaluate any information from the US or most major governments is simple, three rules ...

  • they are telling you what you want to hear only if it is programmed to make you act as they want ,

  • If their mouth is open it is most likely 95% positively a lie or deception or erroneous information ,

  • The most reliable indicator of a honest modern professional politician with a high degree of surety is when they are no longer breathing ! ! !

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